Thursday, July 28, 2005

First Post - and it's not even by the blog owner!!

So my mom needed help in figuring out how to 'blog' and called on my computer prowess to get her started. Basically, I'm the one who came up with the cheesy name - The Pedalogue - because my mom, as she has already said in her profile, is a teacher (pedagogue) and I'm corny that way...something I got from HER side of the family ;)

So this entry is pretty much to make sure I've set things up properly for her. I'll tell her in the morning if it worked or not...well I'll tell her tonight as I head up to bed, but I'll EXPLAIN it in the morning.

Enjoy blogging away!!

Leslieinvancan's daughter, metalxmonkey (my LiveJournal handle)


  1. Thx to metalxmonkey!

    That's my girl!!! She's SO good at computers and it isn't even her area of expertise. Okay, I'm all set up here, so let's get rolling. Talk to me, ladies.


  2. Hola Lesley!
    Whoa.......are we not the best!! I am sooo impressed, NEVER thought it possible...dare to dream and just do it!! yah!
    So now...can you tell me how to post a photo to my posts??? BDNC had explained more a few times, poor thing, I am sure I am driving her crazy!! I am so emabarrased I think (wrong I KNOW!!) that she is WAY ahead of me in tech lingo and funtionality departmants!
    Ps. I should have my travel dates to Vancouver by Sun or Mon will keep you posted (get it!!??)on your Blog!!!!
    pps. My youngest daughter just returned SAFELY from 2 weeks in London,I never let on but I was rather nervous wiht all the maniacs out there bombing etc needless to say I am one happy Mama!! Then she promptly left with her sweetie to see Dave Mathews Concert in New York....oh to be 24 again!!! I have told my girls that I had them while I was very young and I am living life in reverse.I am now doing all the things I never got to do many moons ago. The good news is I now can do them with gusto as I have all this wisdom accumulated to use and abuse!!
    Cheers and Bon Weekend!!
    Cheryl xox

  3. Thanks all for your positive comments. I'll be sure to tell Daughter #2 when I see her next. She is off at the Pride Parade and festival today (NO - she is NOT gay, just wanted to see it.) I told her under no circumstances to take off her top! She could end up being on TV!!! (I've seen clips on the news in the past of women running around topless!)Do any of you guys have parades like these? I know they have them in San Francisco and Toronto, but...

    Cheryl - still looking forward to hooking up when you come out to Van in Sept. If you arrive on the 9th, let's try for the weekend and/or the Thursday afternoon/evening the 15th. I only work until noon on Thursdays.

    Happy - I do love your writing. What do you do for a living? any writing involved? And yes, there do seem to be a few of us who seem to be "kindred spirits."

    bdnc - howdy neighbour! We used to spend the summers at Shuswap Lake right at Scotch Creek. My in-laws had 2 beachfront properties, one with the BIG house and the other with the "cabin." The girls loved all the water activities and going horseback riding. When in Van, let me know.

    openheart - you can find writing prompts on the net by googling "writing prompts" and there are a lot of websites devoted to teachers. I've saved many devoted to elementary, so they probably wouldn't be applicable to your grade level. I did teach Communications 11/12 one year and taught "Of Mice and Men" - really enjoyed it.

    suzanne - how's that trip itinerary coming along? You know we could get a reduced rate if we could guarantee a certain number. Have you checked that out, too? What liner(s) are you looking at? I went to Alaska on Norwegian and it was fantastic.

    It's BC Day long weekend here and it is HOT! So am simply relaxing on my covered patio reading. I will wait 'til next week to push on with writing assignment #2 for my course starting Aug. 15th. UGH!

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  7. let me see if the blog administrator gets this....have no idea what went wrong, except I keep
    getting disconnected so often that
    it takes an hour to post.
    Did you email me? Got one from pat
    scot and am trying to find her.

  8. Hi Leslie,
    I have my itinerary.........yah!
    I arrive on the 10th and should spend that evening with my daughter, so perhaps the Thursday 15th, afternoon or evening is great for long as we can do wine (not whine...well maybe a little of that as well...we are due...n'est pas??) just let me know and I'll be there!! I can't wait to actually meet you, I feel as though I already do know you. Perhaps you could email me your phone number so I can reach you and I will give you my daughters as well........sound good?
    I bet all our Bloggette Buddies are soooooooo jealous!! I love it!
    Take care
    Cheryl xox

  9. Sounds GREAT! I will email you with my phone number and I look forward to meeting you in person!


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