Monday, August 01, 2005


This picture is of an inukshuk on the BC side of the Alaska/BC border. The inukshuk is an Inuit symbol depicting direction and distance. Several cities were engraved on it and I was very surprised to see my own hometown there. That’s why I’m pointing. A stylized version of the inukshuk is the official logo of the 2010 Winter Olympics to be held in Vancouver.


  1. Hi Leslie, Vancouver is a beautiful city, but the cost of living is so high and the wages in my healthcare field are so low. I have a friend there, but couldn't justify or afford to move there. How did you get your picture on your profile? How do we contact you directly, e-mail?

    mine is:
    Thanks Mary Rose

  2. You can contact me via
    then I'll give you my personal email. I do it this way cuz it's easy to delete a hotmail account if I get a lot of spam as a result of posting an email here. Saw your other photos this morning. Wow! they're great! Know that if you're ever up this way visiting your friend, I'd love to meet you, too.

    PS: You were up at 2:18 am???


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