Sunday, August 21, 2005

You know you're a teacher when...

* you grade papers in the car, during commercials, in faculty meetings, in the bathroom, and have even been seen grading in church.

* you cheer when you hear April 1 does not fall on a school day.

* you can't walk past a crowd of kids without straightening up the line.

* you can gulp down a full lunch in 2 minutes, 18 seconds.

* you know the best end of semester lesson plans can come from Blockbuster.

* you know the shortest distance and length of travel time from the classroom to the office.

* you have never heard an original excuse.

* you know the best places to find used gum.

* you feel the urge to snap your fingers in public at children you do not know to correct their behaviour.

* you want to slap the next person who says, "Must be nice to work 8 to 3:20 and have summers free."

* you hear the heartbeats of crisis; you always have time to listen; you know you teach students, not subjects; and you know you are absolutely non-expendable.


  1. AMEN ! From a fellow-teacher--- You've got the best stuff to share !
    Hugs from your roomie,

  2. Very good, Leslie! I'm a retired teacher and school counselor, with the emphasis on RETIRED, but your post made it all come back to me.


  3. Leslie, my congratulations on your taking the time to set up such a creative blog page.

    As for your comments on being a teacher, I can certainly appreciate where you are coming from.

    As a single parent of two primary school youngsters, my children relay their feelings about their teachers to me daily. Teachers fall into two 'g' categories - great to be around or grouches. The first group exerts more of an influence on the young mind than the latter and can be the determining factor in whether a child will succeed at a certain subject or have difficulty with understanding the subject matter.Hats off to all the great teachers who are such a joy to be around.

    All the best to you Leslie, especially with your school children; and, in particular, with your upcoming trip to Manhattan Beach.

    Bon suerte!

  4. belizegial thanks for your kind comments. I try to never be a grouch to my kids as I try to set a good example, even during trying times.

    BTW - Nikki and Santos' last name is BAIZA. Nikki used to be VanTol from a Dutch family in our area here. They are Christian Reformed Church people and were missionaries in Belize for quite some time. Nikki met Santos down there and now they l

  5. That last post was from me, Leslie, Belizegial.

  6. CJ Don't worry about it! A lady at my aquacise class was talking to me one day about "getting over it." She is VERY heavy and when her doctor told her she needed to go to aquafit for her arthritis, she said she was embarrassed about being in public in a bathing suit. He told her that she just had to get over it or live in pain the rest of her life. I could relate to her because I don't like being in a bathing suit in public, either, since I still have a ways to go to lose weight (not like her, though). So we all have our bugaboos but just have to move on. If someone doesn't like me because of what I "look" like, then it's their loss, not mine. See you in LA.


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