Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Manhattan Beach Pictures

Here are some photos from the weekend at Manhattan Beach. Wednesday evening, some of us went to the Pier to meet Richard and then over to the RockNFish for dinner. My roommate was Connie from Georgia (also a teacher)and we've become fast friends. Check out that shark!


  1. Hey Leslie,

    Love the pics! Jaws shot is great! (ha ha) Hope all is going well with you!

    I'd love to know who everyone is in the first pic. Some look familiar - but I'm not too sure who there are. I know you, Suzanne, Linda, Zoe ... but not exactly sure about others. Can you help? Thanks much!

    Take care,


  2. Hi Brenda, Okay at the Pier I think I have them straight. Sorry to any that I goof up on - just let me know.

    From the left is Linda ?, Gail from Cape Cod, Joe, Linda from Tucson, Deb Eddy from N.Cal., Barbara, Suzanne from AZ, Zoe from Alberta, me, Nancy, Margaret, and Beth Ann.

    Connie from GA is with me in the photo on the beach (she's in green, I'm in pink).

    I think that's it. Gotta go do my homework now. Yuck!

  3. Great pics Leslie! How fun...like the shark shot. Glad Joe's head is covering up my undies, ha ha

  4. Leslie, I have wondered what happend to you girl. You are so attractive and have that GREAT smile! Love your pictures!!!

  5. Leslie, your photos are fun to look at!

    Thanks for allowing us the inside view of the friendship that you enjoyed with the ladies in MB.

    BTW, I loved your pedicure foot photo with Rich Roe! So cool to see that you both have neat feet, ha ha!! Sorry, I couldn't resist :)

    September 10, 2005 (holiday in Belize)

  6. Thanks Leslie! Appreciate you taking the time to identify everybody for me.

    Hope you are doing well! : )

    Talk to you later!



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