Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Well, it's voting time again for the latest Telus Photo Contest. The theme this time is "Dreams" and my entries are as follows: "Dream Tree," "When I Grow Up," "En Attendant (Waiting)," and "Finale."
If anyone is registered on the site, feel free to drop by http://photos.globetrotter.net/concours/vote_album.asp to vote. Again, it's so hard to choose as there have been some absolutely fantastic photos submitted by some very talented photographers.


  1. hi leslie,

    love the pic of the little one shaving; that is so cute.

    i know this time isn't real easy for you and your family, but you're continually in my prayers.

    i did my second special blog post yesterday, and will do my last one on march 11th. those were all significant dates for me, and i wanted to do like a little tribute now that i could write with no pain. if it's anything you can use for your upcoming book leslie, please feel free.

    i'm a big american idol fan also leslie. you and i may be the only ones on the blog who watch it. have a great nite.

  2. Hi Sylvia, I watched the guys tonight and have to say they aren't nearly as good as the girls. I absolutely LOVE Lakisha, Melinda, and there are 2 others whose names I forget right now. But they are awesome singers! The little "shaver" is my granson Noah (3 years old). Going over to your place now.

  3. Leslie, those are gorgeous, and my favorite is "When I Grow Up". What an adorable picture. Noah's a cute little boy. They're so much fun, aren't they?


  4. just wanted to say again the photo of noah is really precious. definitely save that one for him for when he's older. he'll love it.

    the women are much better on american idol than the men. i like lakisha, melinda, stephanie, jordin, and sabrina, even though sabrina got sent home last week.

    of the guys, i really love brandon, and the be-box guy (forgot his name). i did a whole american idol review on ellie's blog. she watches it too.

  5. Hi Leslie,

    Did you enter the latest theme on TELUS photos (Camping)? There are less photos this time so you may have a better chance :)
    Nice photos!



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