Friday, March 23, 2007

Rain, rain, and more rain

I think we're going to postpone our Cherry Blossom Festival outing for a week or so. There's been so much rain here that it wouldn't be a pleasant outing. Apparently, Vancouver has really outdone itself this year in the rain department. Already, we've had more rain than the usual average amount, even though March is always a rainy month. I know we have a reputation for rain, but normally our rain is what I consider to be a "heavy mist" rather than the pouring down hard variety. However, this year we have the pouring down hard variety! It's depressing and keeping me from taking the dog for walks. Yeah, yeah I do have an umbrella but have you ever smelled WET DOG? Not pleasant!

So...I've been busy doing "Spring cleaning" - rearranged the kitchen cupboards, emptied out the laundry room cupboards and thrown stuff out, donated to the thrift store, etc. Then, of course, my hot water tank blew so lucky me got to dole out almost $1,000 for a new tank. :-(
To top off this depressing season, I have to PAY income tax!
I guess I shouldn't complain, since I do have a nice home with a (last year) new roof over my head, hot water to bathe in, a car that's paid for and my health. But it would be nice to have a little "real" sunshine for a change.


  1. Leslie, I swear to goodness I am growing mushrooms between my toes :-) The rain just doesn't let up. Where the heck does it all come from? I miss going outdoors. Usually when it's just our "Irish mist" it's still pleasant to go outside, but this is just awful.

    I hope the cherry blossoms come out soon :-)


  2. yeah, Josie, it's dreary, dismal, depressing...
    I'm sitting here at my 'puter hearing the rain dripping down the spouts and watching the neighbours move out. I hope to God they're at least moving to someplace sunny and warm.
    I honestly cannot remember a winter turning into spring as bad as this has been. Let's be optomistic and know that it can only get better, right? lol

  3. As your neighbor to the south (Whatcom County), I can certainly relate. And I've been listening to the news which is saying more, more and more over the weekend. Stay safe and dry up there!

  4. Thx Tracey, I'm feeling like a slug under a toadstool right now. I absolutely NEED to get OUT for walk. On the news tonight there's talk of mud slides and flooding. It's just AWFUL!

  5. Well, look on the bright side, you're getting a lot done around the house.

    "The sun'll come out - tomorrow. You can betch'yer bottom dollar that, tomorrow, there'll be...."

    Oh never mind. Dr. John sent me.
    Hope you are keeping dry and staying safe.


  6. Hi Alpha Dude, greetings from the "Wet Coast" of Canada. lol Actually, we did have a peek at the sun later this afternoon for a few minutes. I got all excited, screaming, "the sun, boss, the sun!"

  7. So we are having just the driest 10 years and you guys are having wet wet wet..

    I am guilty of taking the sunshine for granted...sometimes I curse the sun.

    I was wondering if the sun doesn't come out and the cherry trees don't get to have their blossom, so there will be less cherries this season?

    I have never seen mudslides or been caught in a flood, not even a little flood.

    The weather here is hotting up again, all the labor is done for outside..most of the animals are now stretched out on their bellies snoozing in the sun before they chase shade. Such different countries.


  8. Australia is opposite to us in seasons - we're going into spring and you're going into fall.

    These particular cherry trees don't grow actual cherries - they're just beautiful to look at. After the blossoms are gone, they're just green. Today we saw a lot that are just coming into bloom but are still rather pale pink in colour. Another week of good weather will bring us the height of the blossom season. Daffodils and hyacinths are at their best right now though.

    The floods are in the farmers' fields, but we aren't in any danger of flooding where I live. But some people who live part way up the mountains above Vancouver did have to be evacuated one night. The slides come down over some of the highways and everyone knows the danger areas and tries to stay clear when this happens.

    Josie was telling me today how you've sent her so many photos to share with her "munchkins." That's SO nice of you - we were both saying how much we enjoy your blog with all those pictures.

  9. Hey Leslie,

    Hope that the sun is coming out soon in your area and that the Cherry Blossom Festival will be fantastic.

    I have some articles up on my blog about climate change. Perhaps one of the reasons for the wet spring you're having?

    Happy Sunday,


  10. All the kids have loved the farm and animals and the lifestyle's been the greatest time and antidote to some of them and the troubled lives they had led.

    Everyone of them can still visit here and rattle off animal names and their little quirks and best pictures are those that I captured on movie film, super 8 camera, to video, to digital cam...years and years of beautiful kids learning about the land and nature and animals....animals are a great way to teach children empathy, responsibility, fun! and skills.

    The next chapter in life rolls on...

    Hey I reckon your cherry trees are our plum trees, the most beautiful brillant pink blossom come spring, with a gorgeous green leaf, but bears no fruit!!

  11. Leslie, this is coming to you from beautiful downtown Victoria. I have been sitting in a windowless room for two days. Three more to go... It's wonderful to go outside to the sunshine.


  12. Omigod! No windows!!! I couldn't stand that, just like I'd never book an inside cabin on a cruise. After my experience on the overnight to Sicily, that killed any chance of ever doing that. At least it's sunny, so go for a walk. Are you close enough to go browsing the the Christmas Store?

  13. Umm, oops,and no, your cherry tree isn't our plum tree....nothing like it, just saw the beautiful pic of a cherry tree over at Josie's place....waaay different tree. :)


  14. Oh good you are on the way to Oz!
    If you make it this morning come racing with us, you will see some beautiful country, "Mildura"...

    The animals are full of personality, wonderful companions (and funny), but I think they laugh at me too.

    Lotta fun.

    There have been some terrible storms and tornadoes in parts of USA Leslie, some in Oklahoma, hope Donnetta and Liz are okay, the news footage are devastating images.

  15. It has been so rainy here also!!

    Yes, its me! :) Between work and school I have been quite exhausted...this term has been a rather tough May I will be half way to my I do feel like I am seeing light at the end of the tunnel!!

    Seeing the picture of umbrellas makes me chuckle. I have recently bought two......One big one...bright purple, green and yellow....but toooooo big to haul around easily..I thought it would hold up better in the I ended up getting another one of those one button snap ups......chose a differnt color....this one is tan. But, I am prepared as ever!!

    I have not fallen off the map...just have had more papers and assignments than is busy...we had another record month this month....and I have been trying to Knit in my spare time. ha..........

    You take care....enjoy the rain, for then the rainbows do come!!



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