Sunday, April 15, 2007

Beach at Boundary Bay

This is me today at Bear Creek Park before I went down to the beach on my own.

It was a beautiful day at Centennial Beach today. There were signs of spring all over and I had a blast taking photos until my battery died. In the midst of the sand and reeds stood this lone tree, just beginning to bloom.
These are tiny little flowers blooming in the middle of the sand.

I call this piece of driftwood art "The Ark 2007." These two young menstarted building it around 2:00 pm and it was 5:00 when I ran into them. They wanted me to take their picture as they were so proud of their accomplishment. They deserved a beer or two for their hard work.

This one I call "Senior Moment." This is true beauty in my mind.

These teens were having fun sitting around a firepit and I caught them unawares as they were putting out the fire. They looked like really nice young guys. I felt so sorry for the child who left this beachball behind. It looked so lost and lonely waiting for its owner to retrieve it.

And now, some Driftwood Art.

"Cave" complete with "furniture"



And now some wild life:


  1. Leslie, those are great. I love the driftwood. I love drawing driftwood (if I ever pick up a pencil again... sigh).

    Boundary Bay is one of the most beautiful parts of the Lower Mainland. It's much more "wild".


  2. You're right about it being more "wild." I could have spent much more than an hour there, but my batteries ran out (the camera and the body). lol I'll take you there one day and we can have a picnic and go beachcombing.

  3. Hi Leslie

    Am so glad to see you over at my blog tonite.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful pics. The scenery is beautiful in your area.

    I had no idea that you had beaches and palm trees :)


  4. Hi Enid! Well I guess we fooled you, too. :D This area of Canada is nicknamed Lotus Land for its particularly mild climate. Keep it a secret, though, 'cuz we don't want a population explosion. lol


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