Monday, May 21, 2007

Birthday Update

Yesterday we had a wonderful time at Daughter #1's place to celebrate Daughter #2's birthday. It was a small party with just a couple of D#2's friends. We bbq'd hamburgers and hot dogs even though the rain was pelting down - D#1 pulled the bbq to the sliding glass door and cooked from there. Just thought some of you might be interested in seeing some of the photos from a lovely day of honouring D#2. First off, though, here's a photo of D#1 with beloved #1 son (age 3 1/2) and me (Gramma) with beloved #1 grandson! :D

I love my Mommy!
I love my Gramma!
Jaclyn loves her money and gift certificate for an hour massage!
Jaclyn loves her new dishes for her new apartment!
Paige and Jaclyn - friends forever!
Jaclyn and Nelson - best buds!
I love my Auntie! I love my nephew!


  1. Hi, Leslie and happy birthday to daughter! Looks like everyone had a great time. And that little grandson! What a cutie. Those eyes and those curls. How precious. You are very blessed.

  2. Lovely photos Leslie, I'm glad you had fun. Not even the rain can spoil those special occasions.

  3. Donnetta and jmb, yes we had a lovely time together and the rain didn't really spoil the celebration. And my little grandson is a cutie and so loving - he is very generous with his hugs and kisses.

  4. Happy Birthday to your daughter, proud Mama. :-)

  5. It definitely looks like it was a great day of celebration. I love your pictures!

  6. Leslie, you have a beautiful family! You are blessed!

  7. Leslie your Mom lives on in all of you, such an incredible resemblance.
    In you, your daughters and even your sweet grandson.......all so beautiful. You truly are one blessed Mom as they are blessed children!Such wondrous times.
    Cheryl xox


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