Saturday, June 02, 2007

Gramma's Day

Noah and I had such a fun day today! It was the first time I'd spent a whole day with him alone. Of course, I've babysat him or spent several hours with him, but today was "our" day. After lunch, I took him for ice cream (chocolate brown, of course!) and he was so cute as he finished it off oblivious to the chocolate marks all over his face. After making jello together, we had some fun kicking the ball around the yard.
Then we got out the magnifying glass and looked at bugs and flowers.
We then headed for the bird sanctuary where we spent almost an hour.
After that, we went to the park for some active fun. First, the slide.
Then the big "licorice" climbing apparatus.
Then we went to the water park and boy, was that fun!

It's amazing how much fun a 3 1/2 year old can have with a little yellow boat that he found at the water park.

We ended the day at "Old" McDonald's with nuggets and fries and great fun in the playground.

I adore the little girl of about 8 or 9 who asked if Noah was my son or grandson and expressed amazement that he's my grandson. She said with great seriousness, "Oh my gosh, you look like you're only in your 20s or 30s!" It made me think back to when I told my students (4th graders) when Noah was born and one of them said (with great seriousness), "Well, gee Mrs. C, you better retire now!"

I have to admit to being a tad "pooped" but I can also admit to looking forward to the next time Gramma has "her" day. It was better than Mother's Day! Grandchildren are gifts from God.


  1. What a lovely fun-filled day! He is so adorable!
    I totally agree "grandchildren are gifts from God"

  2. What a precious, fun day! The pictures are great and the compliment about your age was priceless.

  3. Omigosh, he's a cute little boy! These are gorgeous photographs. Can you believe the wonderful weather we're having?


  4. Thx for the comments re the pix - we had such fun! I don't know if anyone saw my comment over on Josie's site, but at one point Noah came over to me and gave me a huge hug and said "You're the best" and I thought I'd cry. I will treasure that moment forever.

    Yes, Josie the weather is fabulous and now we're all complaining about it being TOO hot! Will we ever be satisfied? lol

  5. Leslie, it was 38 degrees Celcius in Litton today (106 Fehrenheit). Definitely ice cream weather :-)


  6. I had ice cream yesterday with Noah - it was cherry cheesecake! Damn the diet in this weather - lol
    Did you see on the news we broke scads of records around the province? This is July weather instead of early June.

  7. What a delightful little boy your grandson is Leslie. They truly are a gift to us. Enjoyed the obvious fun-filled time you had with him.

  8. how wonderful is that Leslie....a wonderfully full day spent with your special little filled it with so many fun things for him to do...I bet his mommy will be happy to take him home as I am sure he was going to sleep well that evening....

    What a wonderful grandma you are....

  9. hi leslie, this is one of the many things money can't buy!!!! am glad everything's alright in your world.

  10. Such cute pictures of Noah! I found my way to your blog by way of (I think anyway) Sienna's blog.

  11. Hi Cindy! And welcome to my little blog. I enjoy meeting new peeps and you'll see me over on Josie's site, too. We're great friends.

  12. This is a lovely series of photos and a wonderful post.
    I certainly don't have the energy with my one and only grandchild who is 4. My daughter was 36 herself when she was born but she is still holding up. But I only see her twice a year so have to make the big effort.


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