Saturday, June 09, 2007

Sleepy Quark Dawg

I just had to share this photo of Monty the Wonder Dawg who is Pam's pride and joy. Monty sent Josie a photo and note and he sent me this one. I LOVE it!! It shows just how I've been feeling lately what with things going on in my life and all this #*(%#@ rain we're getting again. Will it EVER end? I feel like I'm suffering from SAD and it's June already. Enough with the winter weather! I have a job interview Monday morning and I hope I don't arrive all soggy. I think I'll sleep for the rest of the weekend.


  1. That Monty gets around. His face is plastered all over the world.
    I thought you were retired. Getting a bit bored?

  2. A bit of boredom and a lot of need. I do miss the kids and frankly, I don't have enough $$$ to do all the traveling I want to do, so off I go again. But not full time, anymore. Teaching is just far too exhausting - I can't take those 60 hour work weeks anymore. So part time will work out to more like 30-35 hours a week. Ha! Just like a "regular" job.


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