Saturday, October 13, 2007

Photography - An Art Form

I love art. My favourite artists are the Impressionists, particularly Monet. I wish I could paint like that but, alas, I was not gifted in that department. I can "see" art, but I can't seem to get it out on paper through drawing or painting.

Then I came up with a great I've always loved taking photos, so last year I finally gave in and bought myself a new digital camers - a Samsung Digimax 7.1 mexapixels. It's a very good camera for a beginner like myself so after using it for a while in the classroom, on holidays, and with family and friends, I've decided to start taking things seriously.

Yesterday, on my daily walk around the neighbourhood, I started noticing trees - the shapes and sizes of the trunks and branches along with the colours and textures. Standing under some of the gigantic trees and looking upward, I felt as though I could climb them and reach all the way to the heavens.

An idea was born. To honour my parents who have just been reunited, I will work on a series of photos of trees, photographed from below looking upward. Eventually, I'd really like to design cards with my photos on them.

Of the almost 40 images I captured today, I hope you enjoy looking at a few. I don't know why the first one won't enlarge when clicked on, but the others do, so give it a try.


  1. I like the third picture down. It would make a nice cover for a literary magazine.

  2. You did a great job catching the light through the trees. And such variety! I'm so jealous. We are tree poor in my neck of Texas.

  3. Leslie, those are beautiful. You did a great job. You do indeed have a great eye for photography.

  4. Leslie, this is a great idea.
    A new look for your blog as well.

  5. These are wonderful Leslie! I love trees too and never tire of them. Like your new look here too!

  6. Leslie this is a great idea. You are a very creative lady and what beautiful colors you captured! Keep up the great work- you have found your talent!

  7. I love fall and all the have captured them will in these photos...thank you...


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