Saturday, November 10, 2007

November Sun

Today dawned lovely and sunny, so my friend and I decided to take a walk along the dyke just before sunset and then go for dinner. I caught the sun peeking from behind the clouds that had started to move in for the next rain.

Then, suddenly, the air was full of squawking. Canada geese were doing a practise run for their soon-to-be departure for southern climes. There must have been hundreds of them in formation and making such a racket! Well, just a little excitement on a fairly nice autumn afternoon.


  1. It looks like they were trying to make a face.

  2. These are surreal almost, the first photo looks almost apocalyptic, and the geese look like they are trying to send a message!

    I think I know; George Clooney naked.

    It's kinda like reading the blot test thingo..:)


  3. I like the lighting in your first picture; it has a dead calmness to it with an added layer of warmth.

  4. Beautiful photos! What a gorgeous area in which to walk! Those geese must have been something to see and hear!

  5. What a gorgeous shot that first one Leslie - and what a great capture of the geese formation. Excellent.

  6. your photos are great Leslie...I can see you have been practising....

  7. Awesome photos. I love them, Leslie!!!


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