Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pig Farmer Trial Almost Over

Closing arguments are currently in process at the infamous trial of Robert Pickton, charged with killing and butchering 22 of Vancouver's 60+ missing women. Details of this trial have been published daily in the Vancouver Sun, but after a while, I stopped reading about it. It's just far too gruesome to absorb. But, jurors expect to be sequestered throughout the weekend to deliberate Pickton's guilt or innocence. Hopefully, it won't take them too long to come to a decision. It seems to me that he is overwhelmingly guilty and in his case, I'm sorry we no longer have the death penalty. People like him and Clifford Olsen (murderer and serial killer of children) shouldn't have the luxury of living out their lives in a penitentiary. I'm sure I could think of some type of lingering public torture (e.g. electrocution or burning at the stake) which might deter other evil beings from similar brutal acts towards women and children. However, we must be satisfied that he will never again set foot outside of prison walls - if he survives inside.


  1. Gosh that's been dragging on for a long time. It's been quite awhile since they arrested him. How much the loved ones have suffered...

  2. Leslie, good evening.

    I've been meaning to stop by. Good intentions notwithstanding, time seems to be working against me lately.

    From what I've read here, it appears that being incarcerated is almost too good for this guy. Hope he gets what is coming to him.


  3. Leslie, they will never find all of the women he did indeed butcher. The facts of the case are too gruesome, aren't they? Let's just say I hope none of the pork he sold ended up in the mainstream consumer market. It's too ghastly to even think about it.

  4. Well, that's how he got caught - human DNA actually DID show up.

  5. Oh, how awful. I take it that in Canada a life sentence means just that?

  6. The whole story is just so very sad! With the way our courts work, I am just praying that the families of the victims see justice served.

  7. Sometimes I am all for the death penalty. I would be in this case. Send him to Florida. We have it. And use it.
    Usually I am not one to follow court cases. Too depressing.

    Have an awesome day.

  8. He is gruesome, it is horrible, what on earth goes on in the mind of someone like that, Australia has had some horrendous murderers too; I too struggle with understanding it, and question the death penalty being brought in for these monsters.


  9. It will be interesting to see where this one goes. I don't think its going to be an easy verdict


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