Saturday, January 12, 2008

Australia's Word of the Year

Australia's biggest online dictionary is asking people to vote for one of the following (amongst other words) for its latest annual update.

Arse Antlers: a tattoo in that fashionable area above the buttocks

Butt Bra: raises the profile of the buttocks to go with your arse antlers

Tanorexia: an obsession with having a suntan

Salad dodger: an obese person

Manscaping: removal of body hair for men

Which is your favourite?


  1. I'll pick tanorexia.. t epicture you chose certainly does give a good visual.

    While Fideland I were at St Maarten last, we had a lady staying at the same resort.She was both tanorecic AND anorexic... it wasn't pretty.

  2. Of Watergate Summer here....

    I love funny...I think I love the arse antlers...

  3. Okay so far 2 for tanorexia and 1 for arse antlers. My vote is for butt bra 'cuz I have to admit I have no butt and would need extra padding along with the lift. ;D (I know, I know, not most women's problem, but it IS mine!) lol

  4. Good one Leslie! Can I vote for all of them??

  5. I think that surely tanorexia is getting less common in Australia, the land with so much skin cancer, but I like it.
    The slogan there is slip, slop, slap. Slip on a shirt, slop on suncreen and slap on a hat.
    My poor husband is suffering the results of his mispent youth in Australia with three operations for melanoma and squamous cell skin cancers in the past few years.

  6. I like arse antlers. That's exactly what they look like, and they are MOST unattractive.

    Arse antlers. Heh.

  7. I like all of those but "manscaping" has to be the best!

  8. salad dodger...because it describes a certain blogger I know in Detroit.



  9. So far:

    tanorexia - 3

    arse antlers - 2

    butt bra - 1

    manscaping - 1

    salad dodger - 1

    all - 2

    Tanorexia is in the lead. Which will win in the end? Hmmmm...

  10. Yay! a woman with a butt like mine!!!

    2 votes for butt bra!

  11. Tanorexia sounds more like a word, but I love arse antlers....every young girl you see has one....I assume they aren't trying to be different???


Join the fun and even go off topic if you want! :D