Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Jane Eyre-First time ever I saw your face

One of the finest love songs ever was this one sung by Roberta Flack, recorded in 1972 - the year Brian and I got engaged. So this is for my sweetie - I miss you! This video is from the best versions of Jane Eyre - ever! So I hope you enjoy the song and the video clip.

Also, Happy Valentine's Day to all my wonderful friends. Whatever your circumstances are, know that you are loved!


  1. I love that song! I still feel that way about my husband and it is a wonderful tribute to the way you loved yours. Happy Valentines day, my friend!

  2. A beautiful song.
    Happy Valentines!

  3. Happy Valetines Leslie. We fellow Bloggers all love you.

    Di. xxxx

    P.S. A beautiful song.
    I admire you, you are a very courageous lady.

  4. It is a beautiful song... Happy Valentine's Day, Leslie!

  5. i remember this song by Roberta Flack also. i saw her when she used to play at this place in D.C. before she became really famous.

    a beautiful tribute to your husband's memory Leslie. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY TO YOU! may we both experience that special love between a man and a woman again. thank you for sharing.

  6. I remember hearing this song for the first time, too! To be honest - and keep in mind I was a young man - I thought it was a bit long and slow (!) but today I realize it is a beautiful song.

    The more I heard the song, even as a young man, the more it grew on me and I realized it was special.

    This was during a time when there seemed to be so many good songs, wonderful groups and such a diversity of music! The late 60s to mid 70s were a magical time.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.

  7. Happy Valentine's Day, Leslie! I know you miss your husband terribly.

  8. Thankyou for that song. I still love it, & feel her voice is like liquid velvet, always have. I have the records, & dont play them nearly often enough!

  9. Yes, I love this version of Jane Eyre too! Most poignant to read your dedication to Brian - we do think about you, Pete & I, and hope one day you will share what we have found, later in life.


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