About Me

My photo
Delta, British Columbia, Canada
I took very early retirement from teaching in '06 and did some traveling in Europe and the UK before settling down to do some private tutoring. As a voracious reader, I have many books waiting in line for me to read. Tell me I shouldn't read something, and I will. I'm a happy, optimistic person and I love to travel and through that believe that life can be a continuous learning experience. I'm looking forward to traveling more some day. I enjoy walking, cycling, water aerobics & and sports like tennis, volleyball, and fastpitch/baseball. I'm just getting into photography as a hobby and I'm enjoying learning all the bits and bobs of my digital camera. My family is everything to me and I'm delighted to be the mother of two girls and the Gramma of a boy and a girl. I may be a Gramma, but I'm at heart just a girl who wants to have fun.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Photo Hunters Theme: Wooden

Today's theme is "wooden" so I thought I'd post a few shots from Centennial Beach and the Boundary Bay Dyke area, both parts of Boundary Bay Regional Park.

1. The wooden walkway over the marshy area of the inner regions of Centennial Beach.

2. A woodsy area near the above photo where you will always be able to catch sight of wild bunnies. Stay alert and walk quietly.
3. Driftwood washes up on the beach and workers drag it down to a more secluded area of the beach.
4. Piles and piles of driftwood can be seen all along the beach.
5. The day I took all these photos (last April) I noticed these older teens busy building something with the driftwood. They'd been working since that morning building what they called "The Ark." You should have seen it!
6. More driftwood washes ashore off the Boundary Bay Dyke. This was last weekend.
7. And more driftwood off the Boundary Bay Dyke looking towards Tsawwassen and Point Roberts in Washington state.

Hope you enjoyed my take on "wooden" and I'm looking forward to seeing all of yours.


Carver said...

Beautiful set of photographs for the wooden theme. I love driftwood so I particularly enjoyed seeing so much of that in your post. I would have enjoyed watching the teens work on their ark. For that matter, I would enjoy building a driftwood ark although I fear I am not great with building. Sounds like fun. I hope you have a good weekend.

Linda said...

Nice pictures and very pretty. I love all that driftwood.

Bobbie said...

What beautiful photos, Leslie. I would love to walk along that beach and gather some interesting driftwood pieces.

Have a good weekend.

jmb said...

Wonderful photos Leslie, lots of driftwood around our part of the world. That photo is very special.

eastcoastlife said...

I would love to walk on the long wooden walkway and collect driftwood for recycling. The teens are doing a good job and having fun. :)

Natalie said...

That looks like a really neat place. I like your pictures.

Trinity said...

awesome driftwood pieces! glad you share these pictures for this entry..

YTSL said...

Nice set of photos. Looks like you definitely didn't have problems coming up with pictures for this week's Photo Hunt! ;b

Casdok said...

I love wood, theres something about it. Great photos. :)

Smalltown RN said...

Those are great Leslie...perfect for the hunt.....I love Boundary Bay and the Dyke area...haven't been there for some time mind you...but I do go through Delta often when I come off of the ferry and I noticed all the driftwood on the beaches there.....Happy Hunting....my photos are up....cheers...

Anonymous said...

I like the first picture. It's like it just extends and extends. The driftwood looks nice too.

Heather said...

I love this--the third shot is stunning! drift wood is something we don't see much of here in Western PA. :)

Katney said...

You have some wonderful places to go walking. I'm jealous.

Claudia said...

Fun to see your lovely driftwood photos. How great to be at the beach taking them.

Unknown said...

Those are beautiful pictures, I particularly liked the driftwood pictures. We may need to make a vacation trip.

My very first PH is up for the week.

**"Liza"** said...

beautiful photos you have here.I love the wooden pathway..Very nice entry for this week hunt.Have a great weekend.;)

My so called life
Life's Impression

Rajson said...

Thats very wooden shots!!
Driftwood can be very exciting.Nice photos.
Happy weekend!

Lilli & Nevada said...

Wow those are some really great photos.

Mia said...

Lovely photos. I wouldn't mind taking a stroll on that pathway. I also particularly love your picture no 3.

Have a good weekend!

JesieBlogJourney said...

Wow, that's a lot of wood. May I choose a nice piece of drift wood?

Unknown said...

Lovely photos! That walkway is gorgeous!!

mjsterling said...

wow beautiful wooden walkway...lots of wooden here.
Wooden Staircase
Wooden Doorway

Jen said...

WHAT BEAUTIFUL pictures!!! I would love to be there right now! Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Anonymous said...

Leslie, these photos are fantastic. We were just walking amongst a lot of driftwood today and saw different attempts at building with it. The Ark is way more impressive than anything we saw. Looks like a place I'd love to walk. have a wonderful weekend...

Pam said...

Wild bunnies, eh? Scary!

Country Girl said...

Hi, Leslie.

Good photos with the theme. I love driftwood.

Unknown said...

Those are just beautiful shots!

dot said...

YES, I very much enjoyed your pictures of wood! My favorite is the drift wood and I sure would have loved to see what the teens built.

Barbara said...

Very good wooden photos , I love the driftwood, the shapes are always interesting,

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Brilliant again! I love the driftwood pics.

Liz Hinds said...

I love driftwood. i once saw a television programme about a couple who lived out in the wilds of Canada (I think) and set up their own business collecting large pieces opf driftwood and selling them in posh stores all over the world as expensive garden structures. Collecting driftwood is my ideal job!

Ritchelle said...

Love the photos...

If these is in my country,those drifts have been used as firewoods...hehehe!

Dragonstar said...

Loads of "wooden" pictures. That walkway is incredible - looks like it goes on forever! And I've never seen so much driftwood in my whole life. Where does it all come from?