Saturday, March 01, 2008

Saturday Photo Hunters Theme: PARTY

For more information on Saturday Photo Hunters see here.

This photo is one that I can actually remember taking of my parents before their guests arrived for a costume party. It was taken in the early 60's and I could hardly stop laughing long enough to hold the camera still. My parents were always extremely social and either had people over or else they were going out. I can remember all the laughing as people arrived in their various crazy outfits and my sisters and I spied and eavesdropped all night long. So...may I present "Chinese Lady" and "Train Engineer."


  1. Wonderful costumes. Your dads costume brought a laugh. Your mom looks great.

  2. Great picture!!

    I see you like writing from your profile. I have a writing challenge on my blog right now. It's to write a six word memoir based on Hemingway's. Check it out!

  3. Loved the costumes! Great idea for a PARTY!!

  4. How absolutely wonderful, they look great! I love costume parties but not many people have them. Good for your brilliant folks.

  5. What a delightful picture, Leslie. I remember my parents' parties, too. They usually involved either bridge or pinochle, and in the summer especially, BYO steaks on the grill.

    The most specifically memorable party was the time when a family of skunks had taken up residence in the wall. That party was held exclusively outdoors.

  6. Those are lovely costumes! They sure went to a lot of trouble.
    Good luck with the birth of your grandchild :)

  7. Great take on the party theme. Your parents look adorable in that shot.

  8. Great costumes. Lots of fun.

  9. I laughed too: what great parents you have!

  10. Leslie, that picture is absolutely hysterical!! I LOVE IT.

  11. Wonderful photo Leslie, the parties must have been fun.

  12. Great photo and wonderful idea for the theme Leslie. Your folks look neat in their costumes.

  13. Thank for taking a look at my picture this week.
    My dad worked on the railroad as a conductor and whore bib overhauls like that.

  14. Looks they had a lot of fun. I remember dressing up for a costume party once - Maybe one day I'll post that picture.

  15. The both look real cute dressing up!! Must have been real fun for them :)

  16. Your parents must have been fun people to grow up with! Those costumes are great!

  17. Costume parties can be such fun. I haven't been to one is a very long time. Thanks for visiting my blog to see my float cabin party. I see that you recently retired. I was an educator in the States and retired in 2005. We decided we wanted to move to Powell River and just landed for residency last week. I too want to write a memoir about my change from city to rural life. Keep in touch. -- Margy

  18. Hahaha ! they just look great !!

  19. OH that is priceless got to love those pictures of our parents being!!

    I guess it is a big day tomorrow...March 3 baby arrives....I have always found planned births amazing...I mean you go to bed one night not having a baby..but knowing that this time the following evening you are going to have a new bundle of middle daughter was a planned induction...and it was so strange knowing that on that particular day I was going to have a of luck to your daughter....keep us posted!

  20. I love this picture, what a great memory!

    I have a picture of my parents somewhere that I took when I was about 9. They were standing under a tree in the shade so it's not the best picture. But I actually remember taking it, as you remember taking this one, so that adds to the value of it! It becomes a memory that has been memorialized on film, more than just a snapshot that no one can ever remember who took it or where.

  21. They look like great parents! Love the train engineer!

  22. Great shot! I love the costumes. It looks like Madame Butterfly and Casey Jones! A belated happy weekend

  23. Wow........ great blog article........ If you have think about party and worry about the party decoration..... visit our site for your problem solutions.


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