Thursday, March 27, 2008

Skywatch Friday

Update: I woke up this morning to SNOW! Unbelievable for this time of year here!

It was a very strange day today. I woke up to some sunshine, but it was bitter cold. When I left for a morning appointment around 10:00 am, it was 5 Celsius but by the time I arrived home around 11:30, the temperature had dropped to 3 Celsius. For the end of March, this is very unusual - I even wore my leather jacket and gloves!

The clouds started to roll in and I watched as they turned from white fluff ...

to pale grey wisps......

darkening and thickening up.....notice the seagull at the bottom left of center in this photo....

to dark grey even while the sun tried to continue to push through......

to angry-looking monsters. I see a very grim and vicious creature here!

Man, I sure hope it warms up soon! To see more Skywatch Friday photos, see Tom here.


  1. Very nice series of photos!
    Great Job!

  2. Hang in there! It won't be long.

  3. Nice array of photos you've got here!

    It's summer over here 365 days a year with the occasional wet months.
    How I wish there's snow here sometimes :)

  4. I love the way you showed us the series of pictures.

  5. The last shot is very scary!

    The other less scary!!


  6. very nice set of photos i like the last two with the aqua colors in the clouds.
    Our weather has been really cold too, and then snow as well

  7. yes, a very scary monster! Love the series of photos.

  8. A grim and vicious creature? It reminded me of my Mom's old dog. It was a shitzu and it looked pretty much like that face in the cloud. Man, that was an ugly dog!

  9. Almost as I can se the sky is moving.

    Nice weekend wishes to you from Norway.

  10. Beautiful changes. :)
    Have a nice weekend Leslie! :)

  11. Great collecton, nice pictures.

  12. Good day to you Leslie
    What a great set of picture you have posted for us all today.. this is proper Sky Watching.. to see it change so much is a treat... but I hope you got some sunshine later... these all brightened my day


  13. Beautiful photos,all of them:o)

  14. Beautiful collection of sky-photos. I really love the last one:) Nice work:)

  15. Thank you...
    I hoped for a Vancouver SWF participant to see the picture.
    Perhaps you can ask other Vanvouver bloggers to see the picture as well?
    We had a sunny day and later enjoyed lunch at the top of Vancouver Revolving Restaurant overlooking your wonderful City.

  16. A very nice series of photos showing us how clouds suffer quick changes.

  17. Very nice series of photos!

  18. Hello Leslie,
    Yes I know the feeling , we were having the same her in Holland, the weather changed, even our last holiday... there was snow can you imagine?I like you skiees though even when its too cold..

    Have a great weekend and thanks come and visit my site with 48 Sky's (collage) from Luxemburg...

    Greetings from JoAnn (Holland)

    Please come back to see more of my Europe.

  19. Man that was a day to say inside - We seems to always get a very cold spell at the end of March - however, nothing that compares to your weather. I even remember way back to the 80's when it snowed the last weekend in March - that is a rare thing - since I live in the deep south!

  20. Well done! The weather is full of surprises, and so therefore is the sky!

  21. Marvellous set from beautiful skies.
    Colours splendid from strong blue and grey!

  22. Great photo collection, all great images.

  23. What a great sequence. I'm in the Seattle area right now and I watched the skies change today too. Some warmth would really be appreciated by everyone around here. Now they are threatening snow for the weekend. Have a great day Leslie...

  24. The first one is stunning! It looks like a representation of heaven opening... You didn't hear any voices after taking that one, did you?

  25. the last one looks like one cloud is laying on the top of it. love them all!

  26. These are wonderful photos Leslie - loved seeing the changes in the cloud formations. Are you getting SNOW today too?? Um, where did spring go?

  27. Wonderful series of BEAUTIFUL pictures

  28. All the shots are so pretty, but I especially love the vibrant blue in that third photo.

  29. What wonderful sky shots!

    Hey Leslie...Drop by my blog, I have awarded you the "E" award! Stop and pick it up.

  30. Leslie, I feel like I watched the sky with you! :)

  31. We got snow all week:( Now I want spring!
    Great couple og skypictures!

    You find my post here

  32. Clouds are made to be used - even when the deliver snow. Or so I have noticed...

  33. Oh, this was amazing, the last one was very spesial!
    Have a nice weekend

  34. Tee hee! It was 3°C here today in Ontario and we thought it was warm! ;-)

  35. Oh Wow! these are beautiful :-)

    Thank you for your visit!

  36. picture of the clouds with the seagull is great

  37. Very ominous clouds, Leslie! I love them.

  38. What dramatic changes to the sky! Fantastic.

  39. I love to watch the clouds form. I see you captured a bird in one of the photos. Great shots. We had beautiful warm weather here in Georgia.

  40. Love your photos--I am sucker for clouds and really enjoy seeing that other people do too!

  41. Great series of photos! I especially like the one with the seagull.

  42. glad you stopped by to see my blog, and also very happy you invited me to yours. I am also a teacher, so we have a couple of things in common (teaching and photography)....

    I like your series of photos...I have a real liking for the dark stormy clouds, so those are my favorite.

    I hope you visit often...I will be visiting your blog as well....



  43. Thank you for your visit on my debut in the Sky.
    What stunning.
    Denise BC

  44. Snow! It's about time winter left!
    Good sky photos.

  45. I love clouds!!!! Great shots!


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