Sunday, March 09, 2008

Winning Ways With People

Every month I receive the "Body Bulletin" from my retirement insurance plan. It has lots of good articles about health and exercise. This month, there's an article called "Winning Ways With People" and I thought I'd share it with you.

* Think before you speak. Say less than you think.

* Keep an open mind. Discuss rather than argue.

* Cultivate a soothing voice. How you speak often means more than your words.

* Respect the feelings of others.

* Refuse to discuss the shortcomings of others. To discourage gossip, change the subject.

* Exceed your employer's expectations of your work.

I think these are good tips not only for the workplace but also for dealing with family and friends, too. Needless to say, I'm perfect! (*tongue in cheek*) Are you?


  1. Perfect? I'm happy if I can spend a day not being blatantly annoying.

    I guess I've been behind over here because I just saw your Proust questionnaire. Good stuff.

  2. Not sure i have a soothing voice! But i do try and stick to all the others!

  3. Good thoughts for any person!

    I often tell my students I should have a pulpit instead of a lecturn! But I always, always tell them that communication skills are the most important ones they possess - and need to improve upon! (I know, I ended a sentence with a preposition, but forgive me...!!)

    Without rambling too much, I tell them that if you approach a person in a positive, confident manner and look them in the eyes, you will come across as a strong, professional person. Nonverbal communication accounts for something like 90 percent of all communication.

    A smile, an easy going manner, being able to listen are all traits that people like (normal people anyway...!!). If you approach a situation in a positive way, things will usually be fine. The poor person that attacks a situation in a negative way can be assured of a similar response!!

    Nice post and great advice!!

    Take care.

  4. One of my favorite sayings, "If you remain silent, people may think that you are a fool but if you speak out, they will know for sure!"

  5. I read these and decided like you Leslie I am perfect too which of course is exhausting!

  6. Great post and good list Leslie. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi geewits & casdok: it really can be annoying when one is perfect. *wink*
    Hi casdok: I find the best way to have a soothing voice is to keep the volume down.
    Hi russell: Yes, it's often not what you say, but how you say it. And a smile helps most of the time.
    LGS: My mother used to say that to me all the time and I do try to remember that when faced with a difficult situation.
    Hi Janice: thanks for popping by & happy you appreciated the post.

  8. I'm perfect too! I never gossip!!! As if!

  9. will this work with my daughter in law?????

  10. sandy - just keep smiling! lol

  11. I detest gossip in any workplace but it seems that wherever I go, it is always there and the more I avoid it, the worse it becomes because it seems that people think you're a snob if you don't participate in their "water cooler" discussions. Tsk tsk...

  12. Something to try for and be aware of . . . but perfect. . . . I've only been perfect once or twice. :>)

  13. Perfect, that's me, hehe! It is easier to be "perfect" now that I am retired, rested, and relaxed- all of the time (well most of the time)!

    Great phrases for all of us to live by! Thanks for sharing.

  14. Two out of six. Practically perfect.

    Cultivate a soothing voice. How you speak often means more than your words.

    Sorry, this is just so fifties and untrue.

    But I do/did aim for the rest.

  15. "Exceed your employer's expectations of your work."

    I have always done that. It's excellent advice.

  16. Well, I do try to think before I speak, keep an open mind, not gossip, and consider other people's feelings. My voice? Not so soothing. In fact I tend to squeak when I get excited or annoyed! As for work, I don't know about exceed but I try to do my best...

    Good post!

  17. aah so that's where I've been going wrong...

  18. hi Leslie, i used to be perfect, then i got to really know myself. lol

    i hadn't been blogging in a little bit. has your new grandbaby been born yet?

    did you get my thank you card i mailed to you?

  19. I'm not gossipping, I'm networking! I love it!

  20. Marvellous post, I thank that me you taught historical makes that I did not know!
    Photograph with the writing splendid!


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