Wednesday, April 23, 2008

ABC WEDNESDAY brought to you by the letter "N"

ABC Wednesdays is brought to you today by the letter N and Mrs. Nesbitt.

When I woke up this morning and started checking my favourite blogs, I suddenly realized that it's Wednesday and I'd completely forgotten to do my "N" post. That is NOT like me because normally I have my idea a week ahead. Anyway, this is what I quickly put together to share.

N is for Newspaper. I cannot live without my daily dose of the news and first thing I do every morning is grab the paper and have it ready to read as soon as the coffee is made. My favourite parts are the front page with all the world's highlights along with the "letters to the editor" section. I enjoy reading what other people have to say about world, community, or social issues of the day. Then I read the Arts and Entertainment section, mostly to get to the crossword, that MUST be done before much else can happen during the day. However, if I have an early appointment (like today), it has to wait until I get home. But it's the first thing I do.
My other N is for Novels. I'm an avid reader and save the novels that I truly enjoy and will some day read again. In this photo you'll see Anita Diamant's "The Red Tent," "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood" by Rebecca Wells, Barbara Kingsolver's "The Poisonwood Bible," Philip Pullman's "His Dark Materials" trilogy, "All the King's Men" by Robert Penn Warren, Alice Sebold's "The Lovely Bones," "Charlotte Gray" by Sebastian Faulkes, "The Stone Diaries" by Carol Shields, Michael Ondaatje's "The English Patient," "Chocolate For a Woman's Soul" by Kay Allenbaugh, Pearl Buck's "The Good People," John Irving's "Until I Find You," Ann-Marie MacDonald's "The Way the Crow Flies," and Marion Zimmer Bradley's "The Mists of Avalon." Oh, and in the front is "Atonement" by Ian McEwan, "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" by Betty Smith, and "Into the Wild" by Jon Krakauer.

Does anyone see something green in the middle of all the books? I didn't even realize it was there until I looked at the photo. Can you guess what it might be? Here's a hint: It's something I had when I was a teacher and now keep it for my grandson to use when he's over.


  1. As an avid reader this one N that's a sure winner with me!

  2. Good morning from Powell River. Both of your N's are great choices. My favourite newspaper it the local Powell River Peak. You can read it online, but I love it the old fashioned way. Online you miss all the great ads. I read it from cover to cover. Sometimes I find the most news in the classifieds.

    I chose N is for nummies. What's that you say? Click here to find out. – Margy

  3. You don´t necessarily need too reflect so long for your post every time! Some times it´s what speedy comes up thats the best!!! I think your posts today is a proof of that!!!

  4. I've read so many of those same novels! What excellent taste you have!

  5. Is it a poetry book?
    You must read Ian McKewans "The Daydreamer" it is without doubt the best novel I ever read to a group of children. Suitable for age 8+ but perfect for adults. You will love the chapter"Tha Bad Doll!!

  6. I did newspapers too .. and I thought I was so original .. LOL .. looks as if we were both original! And that is an interesting group of novels.. Daryl

  7. A very good choice. It would be a very poor life without anything to read. I have just come home from London with 13 new books...

  8. Love your newspapers! And I have not idea what the green book is...what a neat book shelf, though.

  9. Nice post especially for those who love to read.

  10. I'm guessing it's a dictionary ..... that's what we always had sitting in the midst of the Encyclopedias at home in the "old" days. We would read about something...and then need a dictionary to find out what the heck all the words used to describe it meant.

  11. Oh fun, I forgot about news and novels!! Darn I can't guess what's in that green box unless it's alphabet or reading cards...

  12. Very good choise for N Leslie. :)
    Suitable for a former teatcher. :)


  13. Okay, I'll tell everyone what it is: it's a box of Crayola Sketching Markers.

  14. A very good choice for the letter N! Well done:)

  15. Great N post. We get two newspapers everyday, could not be without them. And you Novels are great. Leslie, how many books do you read a year? I would have never guessed the markers. We keep an old sand pail full of markers for our grandson.

  16. Some favourite books there, and some I don't know. Hmmm. Markers? In with books? Hmmm again! Sounds dangerous to me.

  17. Thanks for dropping by my blog! Love your 'N'. As an avid reader with an interest for current affairs, the news is a lifeline for me.

  18. Good Ns, Leslie! A super choice of novels there.

  19. Leslie, I've just realised something: all this time I've been reading your url as 'leslie in a van'!

    Okay, I'm going to bed now ...

  20. Liz

    If you see it rockin'
    Don't come knockin'"

    I'm laughing so hard right now at the thought!

  21. Well, Leslie, you got my attention straight away - as you always do.

    I've worked in newspapers all my life and I write novels, so both your N-words held special significance for me!

  22. I hope the green book is full of poetry, which you will read to him and learns to love. ;-)

    I'm going to a used book sale this Saturday. I love books, too.

  23. A very good N choice Leslie!

  24. Nothing like a good read - whether it be a book or a newspaper!

  25. I'm the world's worst guesser! So I'll wait until you do your big reveal!!

  26. I liked The English Patient and Pearl Buck too! Only I thought it was The Good Earth, not The Good People. I didn't get Atonement, though...

  27. ACK! You're right, alasmydear. It IS "The Good Earth." Don't know HOW I could have made that mistake. My sincere apologies to everyone. :(

  28. I do agree with your choices for "N"!
    I read "the Mists of Avalon"(An excellent rewriting of a famous legend !)and many novels of P. Buck- a long time ago , when I was a teen ager!
    Miss Yves

  29. Yes my whole national costume is hand embroidered. You're picture was great !

  30. I would have never guessed markers as the green item! I thought it was something literary!

  31. Novels a great one for N. We could definitely share a bookshelf. I have read so many not all of the books on your shelf.

  32. Great choices for N. I can not live without my newspaaper or novels! Love this post!

    Petunia's ABC

  33. I love reading the Sunday paper when I get the chance. Other than that, the Local section is my favorite. With so much information these days, I unfortunately, don't pick up the newspaper too often.

  34. I read the newspaper in the same order as you, Leslie! And how lovely to see your bookshelves. Is the green thing a grammar?

  35. Sorry I'm so late getting around! I love to read so I don't know why I didn't think of these two N words. Great choices.


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