Wednesday, April 16, 2008

ABC WEDNESDAY is brought to you by the letter M

ABC Wednesday is brought to you by Mrs. Nesbitt. If you'd like to participate or just view what others have entered,
click here.

I thought of all sorts of "M" words for today - like mother, money, mountains, mud, mail, but decided on keeping with my usual thing of showing you places I've visited.

Here is Mont St. Michel. It's a rocky, tidal island in Normandy, approximately 1 km off the north coast of France. Its most famous claim is that it has been used as a monastery. However, there's a lot more history behind this place, so feel free to read up on it here. I know this isn't the best photo of it, but since we're supposed to use our own photos, I had to scan it from the photo I took back in 1997, the year I visited.

I also visited Monaco and the Monte Carlo casino that same year. So here are a couple of shots I took. First, the harbour from the back of the casino and next, the entrance to the casino. Can you see the poor tourist beside the expensive Rolls Royce? We went into the casino, but had to relinquish our purses just to enter the slots room. No one is allowed inside where the "real" money is gambled unless you're appropriately dressed and know someone. Passports are taken away from gamblers until they leave, having paid off any debts.

Here is a view of the Mediterranean Sea from the top of the city of Taormina. (Hi Welshcakes!)Back in 1994 - 1995, I went and taught in the wilderness of British Columbia. I drove 6 hours north of Vancouver to Williams Lake where I stayed overnight. The next morning, I turned left (west) and drove another 6 hours through the Chilcotin area, down "The Hill," and through Tweedsmuir Park to my destination - the "town" of Hagensborg. I use the term "town" loosely because there was a gas station, a motel, and a Super Valu there. The house I lived in was just outside of "town," and this was my view - the spectacular mountain the locals named Mount Nusatsum. And here is the mansion I bought, renovated, and sold a year later for a profit.

I've been pretty lucky over the years buying and selling property and here is the best picture of all - my mortgage payout for the house I currently live in. I love this place the best because it has a real homey feel to it and even though it's older, it has good bones. I'm gradually fixing it up with paint, new roof, new doors and windows, hardwood floors throughout the main level and eventually new carpet upstairs. Have a wonderful M-Day and see y'all next week. You're welcome to come on by any other time of the week, though. Would love to see you here.


  1. Hi Leslie,

    Just popped in to read your blog. My husband was 6 ft. 4 in. I look forward to visiting with you this summer. Perhaps you can give me some hints on how to fix up my house. Seems you are a pro at it! Have a great rest of the week!

  2. Some of your Ms are nostalgic for me. I wish the mortgage payout one was one of them.

  3. Whoa Leslie! What a fabulous M post. You have truly been blessed with some wonderful experiences from travel to home renovation and what an exciting blessing to have your mortgage paid off?! Excellent!

  4. Great Educational "M" post.
    Thanks for sharing all the info.

    Mine is up,
    Come visit.

  5. Leslie, those are great pictures. The mountain is beautiful.

    And the place you live in now is gorgeous! What do you mean good bones? It's lovely! And it's a lot more airy and larger than it looks on the outside.

    I have always wanted to see Mont St. Michel.

  6. All great M's!!!!!!!! You reminded me I could have used my photos of Mt. Hood. . . completely forgot so you get something else. Come and see. . .

  7. Back to answer your question about my snowmen. I mean, my memorabilia. . . Ü

    I collect snowmen and leave them up all year throughout the house . . . along with my decorated Christmas tree. Everywhere you look, there's snowmen memorabilia . . . including the bathroom.

  8. Lots of nice photoes on your
    M-Abc! Have a nice day!

  9. Great M`s.
    Lovely places.
    Beautiful. :)

  10. Another interesting post.
    A good selection of M's.

    I must come over more often, I some how forget that you live in wonderful Vancouver, where I've spent many happy holidays.

  11. Fatastic m post! Very nice photos and info. Have a nice day

  12. How many beautiful places you have been.And their name all starts with a M.-Yes,I know Pernille,she lives near me and is a good friend of mine.She is a lovely person.
    Have a wonderful wednesday.

  13. No way! Leslie, I think I have that Monte Carlo shot from another angle, I'll try and find it..(heh, minus the RR)

    The older type houses with the good bones are the best, they are my favorite too, although I do love what my cousin built, must find the picture on that too. Unusual wave type roof and rounded front living area, space and light and views.

    What an adventure to Hagensborg, am wondering what was it that you wanted to go outback and teach?

    My nephew has just done the same thing...he loves the community and the kids are so great, really enjoying it.


  14. Lot's of interesting M;s. Mont St. Michel is on my list of places to visit.

  15. A lot of great M!!!
    I love the montain but wants more money;)

  16. Sure! The last one is the best one even though it's not as beautiful as the other ones. But having your house yourself, and not living in your banker's house is really best.

  17. Wow, you are full of "M's" today. I like the snow in the mountains picture the best.

  18. What absolutely beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing them.
    Have a blessed day.
    In Him,

  19. Wonderful M post. Travel leaves us tired, invigorated and filled with wonderful memories, that last a life time.

  20. Very interesting M post and great pictures.
    Thanks for sharing!

  21. May Mont St.Michel Make a Mountain of the Molehill in Moaco!

  22. Lovely Ms. You get around a bit!

  23. I love the way you have woven M's into your entire post. You have been to some beautiful places.

  24. Hi Leslie, Wow, that mountain view is just wonderful! Thanks for sharing your travels too! This was a great M post.

  25. M, m, m, m . . . Mostly I want to say I can't get her as often as I like. But when I do, I'm much entertained.

    And, BTW, Leslie, I've been so busy. I haven't forgotten your willingness to review for the Internet Review of Books. I just seem to need to hunker down until I retire in June, and then I'll burst forth.

  26. Your "M" review today was great as usual. I loved your mansion the best. You must have really worked hard to "fix it up" and then gain a profit. I just find out fantastic facts about you each time I stop by. Thanks for sharing.

  27. That castle looks straight out of a fairy tale! it's gorgeous! I was in Taormina - I loved it!!! spent 4 days in Sicily visiting family. good M's

  28. LOve your photos and your "M's".....nice house you had up north....

  29. I am jealous - I would LOVE to visit Mont St. Michel. :)

  30. This is a beautiful, sympathic, optimistic, intelligent and very interesting "M" post :) Have a wonderful week!

  31. You sure are an adventurous person. I'm currently doing my own home renovations. All those wonderful M places you have visited over the years!

  32. Hi Leslie thanks for reading my blog only just got it up and running.Yes i love(Boxers)and have bred white ones as people like them.Boxers are keeping there tails more now and not having them docked as much.A lot of people comment on her tail,we have got used to it now.
    Love your blog,and photos from Canada wow what a place to live.
    Keep in touch:0)

  33. Lovely "M"s, particularly that Mountain!

  34. What a great variety of M's you have here--nice job.

  35. Thanks for the link. Lovely photo of Taormina. Didn't know they took passports away at Monte Carlo casino. It's just a nasty little police state, really.


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