Thursday, April 03, 2008

Skywatch Friday

Be sure to check out Eden's one-month birthday photo below. She finally has her eyes open a bit more often.
As I was driving home from the hairdresser yesterday around 5:30 pm, I noticed Mount Baker standing out monumentally against the crystal clear and bright blue sky. I was really hungry so decided to eat first and then head down to Centennial Beach to catch some shots. I also needed to collect some sand, shells, and driftwood for a home decor project, so I'd kill two birds with one shot, so to speak. By the time I arrived around 6:45, the sky had taken on a paler blue hue, so the mountain didn't stand out quite so starkly against the brilliant blue I'd noticed earlier. However, this is what I managed and I will try to get some better shots another time.

I then turned towards the North Shore and got this shot of the snow-capped mountains. You can just see a hint of pink above the mountains, along with a few clouds scudding by.

As I left the beach area, I decided to stop and take some photos of Cammidge House, an old heritage home that has been restored to its former glory. Keep an eye out for a post on it later. Then as it was getting a bit too cool for my liking, I headed down the highway towards home. I glanced to my left (the west) and saw the sun just about to drop below the horizon. I reached over, grabbed my camera, turned it on, and held it beside me and just clicked. My eyes were on the road ahead - after all, I was doing over 100 klicks in the left lane. This is what I caught.

As I stopped at the traffic light just before turning west into my little village, I managed this shot.
I cropped it and played with the contrast a bit and came up with this. I rather like it.

Hope you enjoyed my skywatch pictures today. For more pictures, check out Tom at Wiggers World here.


  1. Very good post and those pictures are great. Good work

  2. Thank you for posting and sharing your wonderful pictures.
    My picture is from March 2007.
    Never have seen the sky the colourful again.
    Right now very little snow is left and spring is around the corner.


  3. These are all beautiful! I see Mt Baker from the other side when I'm home in Washington! Enjoy...

  4. Very nice series of photos!
    Great job.

  5. Enjoyed your pictures very much! I click going down the road too.

  6. I hope it's ok with you that I re-comment here about your question on the trellis sky shot...
    as a matter of face there are 4 adirondack chairs right next to that trellis! :)

  7. Wow, wow, wow. These are amazing. Mt. Baker is gorgeous.

  8. These are great - looks like you made good use of the day.

  9. those are all great photos, my favorite however is that last one with all the yellows

  10. Hello Leslie
    What a great series you have for us all to enjoy today..
    Thank you for joining in with Sktwatch this week.. and also posting a link.

  11. Wonderful pics! Thanks for sharing.
    Hope you will share the sand/shells decoration??

  12. I can only dream of having such views from my car!!

  13. Amazing photos with very nice colours on the last ones.

  14. Nice photos and and wonderful color in the last one:) Good work:)

  15. Thank you , thank you, thank you again, LESLIE,

    Ffor sharing this GREAT views thanks to you I can see a bit more of your wonderfull Canadian surrounding, I really could make the drive with you. Your shots are fine! so don't you worry about the quality, its the idea of showing YOUR 'eyes" behind YOUR camera.

    Thanks for the compliments you gave me, and your visit at my SKYWATCH, have a creative weekend!

    JoAnn (Holland)

  16. Yes I enjoyed your photos very much! Interesting to read as well!

  17. I love this approach to Skywatch friday. A story with pictures, true dialogue! Shows the care you place into the project.


  18. Beautiful photos even at traveling in the car.... wow, pretty impressive!!!

  19. Thats beautiful shots for SWF:o)

  20. I love the pictures and i don't I guess I don't think of the beach being so close to snowcapped mountains. I forget thats possible absolutely beautiful

  21. What a great sky show. Thanks for all the colorful photos.

  22. Interesting post, very beautiful pictures, well done.

  23. Thanks for the travelogue. And I sure am glad you kept your eyes on the road when you were travelling at 100 Km!

  24. wow....all are beautifully!!

  25. You have a lot of wonderful sky photos. The colors are wonderful and the mountains look so grand. Great job.

  26. Nice shots. You live in a gorgeous area. Love the sunset pictures.

  27. Absolutely gorgeous pix of the mountains and sunset! In the NorthEast U.S. where I live there are no real impressive mountains... :( Even the Green Mountains in Vermont and the White Mountains In New Hampshire pale in comparison.

  28. Fabulous pics, I love the snow peaks on the mountains and the lovely sunsets.

  29. Indeed lovely pictures; also of your lovely kissy people!

    And no, we didn't pick the Queen's daffodils! Didn't want to spend the rest of our holidays in the Tower of London...

  30. Wonderful - just wonderful - yet again. You do make me feel that life is worth living with these photos of all the beauty that is around us, Leslie. Thank you.

  31. Very nice, great picture, good Skywatch.
    Denise BC

  32. Fantastics post, all photos are wonderful!


  33. Really nice series of photos. I like the Mt. Baker shot.

    Great SWF series

  34. Fantastic shots. I miss being close to large mountains. I managed to do this when I lived in some other parts of the world. The "mountains" here are just little hills.

  35. Not bad for being taken on the fly like that! I do that every once in a while on my bus, but not if I have passengers on board. It might sort of scare them...

  36. All the photos are beautiful. I love the mountain photos. They are huge!

  37. The two snow-capped mountains looked almost like coulds!

  38. are becoming very proficient with the camera....yes Mt. Baker can look beautiful at times...on clear days I can see it when I am in Nanaimo....very nice...sounds like you had a wonderful evening....

  39. I used to live in Seattle so I'm thrilled to see the picture of Mt. Baker and the Cascades. Thanks for posting!

  40. Beautiful shots, as ever. I think I like the second one best.


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