Friday, May 16, 2008

Saturday Photo Hunt - CANDY

Since I don't eat candy and never have it around the house, I had to come up with a twist for today. So I decided to do "EYE CANDY" instead. We've had such a horrid winter and spring so far that our gardens are behind in fluorishing. For me, this "candy" is much more satisfying to my soul. And the calories don't remain on the hips. I managed to go for a stroll this afternoon and took along my camera to take some photos of flowers that are currently in bloom.
So, for your viewing pleasure here is today's "eye candy." The first three are from my own back garden - English poppies and cornflowers.

Along the route of my usual walk, I pass a house with a giant lilac bush that hangs over the sidewalk. My daughter knows the lady of the house and has told her to just break off whatever she wants, but I can't do that. However, every time I pass, I stop and take a deep sniff of the wondrous lilac scent! I took a couple of photos today and I share them here. The first is of part of the whole bush and the second is a closeup of a few of the blossoms.

On my way back home, I discovered that one of my neighbours has a deep purple lilac blooming in her garden. It has the same sweet scent, but the dark tones make the flowers much more attractive. I wish I had one of these in my garden!

And another neighbour has this lovely lilac-coloured rhododenron currently in full bloom at the side of her house. So I had to share it with you, too.

I have to admit, though, that there is another bit of "eye candy" that is even less fattening than flowers. In fact, if only this bit of candy would cooperate with me, I'd be able to lose more weight by having "fun" with him. And okay, it isn't my picture but I'm sure all you ladies out there (and maybe even some men) would agree with me that this is, in my humble opinion, the best eye candy ever! Dream on with me! I wonder what does his girlfriend has that I don't have? lol

Have a wonderful weekend, especially my Canadian friends as it's Victoria Day weekend here.


  1. Happy Victoria's Day! Beautiful flowers. I love that kind of eye candy. And George is not only great eye candy, he's only 4 years younger than I am, so enjoying looking at him doesn't make me feel quite as much like "Mrs. Robinson" as some of the younger eye candy might. Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. Oh - love it! That's the best post I've read this morning. :)

  3. Your candy is fabulous. All those beautiful blooms. I can almost smell the lilac! Have a wonderful weekend...

  4. Wonderful flowers! I prefer these eye candy too and have choosen the same twist on the theme.

  5. I have been potting my eye candy all afternoon. So happy spring has finally spring. By balcony is starting to look nice and inviting.
    Kayla's vancouver memorial wont be until july. That is when her mom and siblings will be coming here. After the school year ends. Then the kids will be staying with us for the summer, and hopefully Mom will have finished moving back to BC before school starts in Sept. They did already have the Edmonton full Catholic Mass funeral last Saturday.
    Kayla ashes are in my living room until then. I think we are ok. I have my moments, but on the whole, I am functioning. Sigh*

  6. the flowers are truly eye candy, the guy, not so much

  7. I like your eye candy, and nearly used the same idea because photographing candy creatively did not seem like something I wanted to spend time on. I did realize I had a candy photo, though, and though your eye candy is much mroe appealing, my candy will appear magically at midnight.

  8. Happy Victoria's Day! Love the flowers especially the yellow one. George is the perfect finale of your eye candy presentation!

  9. Oh yeah.. eye candy..

  10. Wellllllll... I have to admit, I was thinking to myself that if I were to post EYE CANDY, it wouldn't be flowers!!! ROFL!!! (they ARE lovely though!)

  11. Those flowers are beautiful!

  12. As an avid gardener from way, way back, I thoroughly enjoyed this post, Leslie.

    There are still some roses blooming in my garden, but winter will see the end of them soon!

  13. Hope your Victoria's day was terrific. May all you days be filled with non-fattening eye candy!

  14. Both your take on the theme, the flowers and George are wonderful.

    Have a sweet weekend.

  15. Wow i love those flowers very pretty. Happy hunting!

  16. These are great photos of the Spring eye candy. Plus George for a bonus, have a great long weekend Leslie.

  17. The last one sure is an Eye Candy!!! :D

  18. I love those photos and really pretty flowers!:) And of course, George is HAWT! hehe

  19. The doctor from ER!!! *slurpz* He's real hot eye candy!!! :)

  20. First time I see a lilac bush. Te flowers are so beautiful at this time of the year.

    And oh boy, I would love to lose some weight having fun with sexy George too! hahaha....

  21. That's a different take! Each of the flowers are beautiful! HAppy PH!

  22. Very creative take on the theme. Beautiful eye candy!

  23. Wow that's a lot of beautiful eye candy (George is a handsome guy but perhaps not my sort of eye candy though!)

    Have a great weekend

  24. I shouldn't eat candy, and I shouldn't have it around the house. Yet last night I succumbed to some Bon-Bons (see last night's post). Oy!

    As for the eye candy, the only thing missing is MORE GEORGE!

    God, he's sexy...

    Peace - D

  25. OOOOOHHHHHH,,,,,,Yes! Love that man! The flowers are nice too :)

  26. Very nice flower pictures!

  27. great take on the theme and Happy Victoria Day!
    I LOVE Lilac....gorgeous lilac

  28. LOve the clooney

  29. so lovely:) and beautiful reportage :) specially beautiful is this last eye-candy:)

  30. Love your eye candy. We don't have candy in the house, except life savers, so I used the candy from our local diner.

  31. I love the flowers.

  32. Your poppies are beautiful, and the lilac reminds me I want to plant some!

  33. His voice ALONE will melt the heart of a cantankerous ol' lady like me....any ol' day!

    Oh man, where was I? Oh yes....the flowers are gorgeous too.

    You betcha...we BOTH have great eye candy.

  34. Love the photos of your flowers..hope mine look at good one day!!

    As for George Clooney...what can I say..he is perfect for your "Candy"

  35. Oh love all of your eye candy, especially George! :-)

    Happy Weekend.

  36. Here in Adelaide we usually have something blooming. At the moment, we have a Canna. Your spring flowers are lovely though. One of the greatest spring blooms were the alpine flowers at Alta near Salt Lake City that I saw one year. Glorious.

  37. Good one Leslie! George is my guy too! Love your beautiful flowers...probably smell as sweet as candy!

  38. Beautiful flowers and beautiful man! :D Loved it.

  39. Good eye candy choices. It's so nice to have such a nice warm spell for the holiday weekend. I went with my favourite Canadian candy bar, a Coffee Crisp. You can see it by clicking here. Hope your Victoria Day weekend is the best. – Margy

  40. The last eye candy is my favorite!! Thanks for visiting.

  41. Oh what a fabulous take on the word candy. ALL of these photos are very pretty, Leslie, but my favourite was definitely saved for last! He must be one of the most ogled men in the business. Utterly gorgeous! And he knows it...

  42. I was waiting for a sexy man pic... good eye candy!!!

  43. Heather! You know me TOO well! lol

  44. A very good take on the theme. Now, I could do with some of that last piece of eye candy myself!


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