Thursday, June 12, 2008


I've been on both sides of exams in my lifetime. I've been a student and had to write them in classrooms and gymnasiums while teachers sauntered up and down the aisles watching for cheaters. I've actually been one of those teachers who had to walk up and down those aisles, eagle eyes on the lookout for anyone cheating and giving permission - or not - to those saying they needed to use the toilet. I've written exams that others have written and I've written exams for others to write. I've marked exams and given out grades according to government criteria or my own expectations, depending on the grade level.

It's now exam time for all school-age children. I have one more student tomorrow and again Monday morning and then all my current tutoring students will be off for the summer. I don't think I'll ever stop thinking like a teacher and I love working with kids one-on-one. It is invigorating and exhilarating, keeping my brain active so that I can use my skills without having to worry about crowd control or discipline issues.

I have one student lined up for the month of July and the end of August to prepare her for high school. She's a really nice young girl who was in my 4th grade class and she's now a bit anxious about going to high school. I'm really looking forward to having her for 2 hours, once a week through the summer to work on grammar and writing skills.

I've really enjoyed working with these kids one-on-one this year and hope I'll be able to increase my student load next year. Sometimes it takes a while for your name to get around, but I have a friend in a nearby village who tutors, too, so she recommends me for English and French while I recommend her for Math and Sciences. Also, another friend still works at the school where I used to teach and she always recommends me to parents.

I've updated and reprinted my business cards and took some to the school today. Also, when the mother of the boy I was tutoring today arrived to pick him up, I gave her a few. She was very happy about that because she said she'd been telling people about me. Wow! Maybe I'll get some new students through her! That would be great!

In the meantime, I wish all my students the best of luck on their exams and I hope they'll have a fun-filled summer vacation.


  1. Nothing special, "Louis" just popped by to say bonjour!

  2. Ah, bonjour Louis. Today was a French tutoring session, so this was certainly appropriate. :D

  3. Leslie!! I'm very impressed with your business cards. If you don't want to teach anymore, you can go into the graphic design business. :-)

  4. Gee thanks, Josie. I really enjoy doing this sort of thing. If I were younger, I'd probably go into something like that, but it's a bit late for me now.

  5. Do you get worked up when your students have exams?
    My daughter is sitting exams for her final year here in Luxembourg and is calm, cool and collected.
    I'm the one who panics !

  6. Hi scintilla Nice to meet you! and welcome!

    Actually, no I don't get worked up too much for my students. I figure I've done my job and now it's up to them. lol

    I peeked at your site and I absolutely ADORED Positano when I was there in 2006! Would love to return some day and spend even more time there. I'll be over to visit you on your site. :D

  7. The card looks terrific, and congratulations on 1st with Autumn on the River, a beautiful photo..
    love it, and still dreaming of Italy pics and beloved Florence.

    I don't think there would be many greater influences in a child's life than, (and apart from family), teachers. We have quite a few gone teaching in the family here, they love it very of the most important and influential jobs in the world..

    I tossed up veterinary, nursing and teaching before settling on nursing.

    Interesting the old life's journey.


  8. My older sister is a nurse, Pam, and I just know it is not the profession for me. All those bodily fluids would get to me. Ugh! But I do admire those who are in it, like my sister, you, and Mary Anne along with others.

  9. Hi Lesle,

    If you ever want to take a little while off and teach overseas, it's fairly easy to do. I retired early from public school teaching so I could work for a university, but I'm teaching in China this summer.

    Where are you intending to send your memoir when you finish it?

  10. Hi, Leslie. I do empathise. Working one to one is so nice after full classes and it's always a bit sad at this time of year when they all go off. Here's hoping you get lots of new students soon.

  11. I DO hope you get the pupils you wish to tutor BUT please be careful with that phone number over the internet, Leslie - you never know who...we have to be so vigilant, don't we?


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