Friday, July 04, 2008

Saturday Photo Hunt Theme - POINTED

The theme this week is "pointed" so I took a look through my digital photos and came up with a few that I thought would fit. Be sure to click on the photos to see the details.

First up is this church spire that I photographed as I was going past on the train to Cardiff. We don't see a lot of churches like this in western Canada, although there are some in the East. I really love the villages in the UK as you can always orient yourself according to the location of the local church. Its spire rises above everything else.

Next, I decided to show you a shot of a sailboat with its masts proudly erect. There are loads of people with sailboats in and around Vancouver and on almost any day you can see sailboats floating around Burrard Inlet in amongst the ships that sit waiting to be loaded. This shot was taken in north-west Italy, but it's quite typical of scenes here, too.

The next two shots are of wrought iron fencing I saw in Italy. I discovered a book online called "The Italian Masters of Wrought Iron" or in Italian "I Maestri Italiani Del Ferro Battuto" by Giuseppe Ciscato. It states: This book is in fact a portfolio of sixty-four Italian Master Smiths. Every photo is a professional catalog or portfolio quality image of work that is outstanding. The images are rich with details to inspire architects, decorators and other smiths. There are numerous pages showing how something is forged step by step. These are not detailed forging instructions but are designed to educate those unfamiliar with the the processes of forged ironwork and how it gets from a plain lump of iron to a work of art. Other than the supplement the entire book is in Italian except the biographies of the artists, which are in both Itialian and English. Being a book primarily of beautiful images there is no language barrier.

Here we have the obelisk located at the Vatican. In 1586, the Italian engineer Domenico Fontana moved it to its present site in front of the Vatican in St. Peter's Square. "Fontana's plan for moving the obelisk was chosen from among hundreds of others. It relied heavily on pulleys, some as large as five feet in length, to lift the obelisk off its base and then lower it to a horizontal position by pivoting it on its lower end. Five huge levers, each 51 feet long, were used to help lift the shaft off the base. A variety of pulley blocks were required to work in conjunction with the 40 winches, each of which were powered with horses and men to supply the main lifting force. It took Fontana one year to complete the task. On September 28, 1586, the
scaffolding and tower had been removed. The obelisk appeared in full view, in the same position as it appears today more than 400 years later. "

Finally, closer to home, we have the ultimate pointed object, the most treasured and valuable teacher's tool - the lead pencil and its sharpener. Notice I have my personal pencils so that the kids can't use them.
I'll be around to see other participants' photos and for anyone else who would like to view them or join in the fun, please check out tnchick's site here. Also, for early entries you can check carver's site here.
Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


  1. Great sequence of photographs for the pointed theme and a very interesting post. I remember when I was in England for a summer in my teens, I was amazed at how very small villages would have enormous churches with the tall spires. Happy weekend.

  2. So many wonderful entries you got there :)

    I love the church spire the best.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. G'day Leslie - is the Italian photo on the right in the Piazza in Siena?

  4. wow Leslie, you really went out of your way hunting away on this one.. Those are some great picks! :)

  5. Great photos. I was also thinking of posting a newly sharpened pencils.

  6. Your sailboat photo is beautiful... I've always had a soft spot for sailboats!
    Very nice post...
    Mountain Retreat Photos

  7. Pointed and sharpen pencils :) The church looks really nice.

  8. WOW! I love the story and the photos! Very detailed entry here:) Thanks for sharing! Happy PH!

  9. I've been to that campo in Siena many times. :) It's one of my favorite cities in Italy.
    Have you seen the mini-series Summer's Lease, based on the book by John Mortimer? It is filmed there in part. :)

    If I go back in December with my son, I might take him there.

  10. Great set of photos for this theme Leslie. I thought it would be really hard but I had lots in my archives too.
    Have a good weekend.

  11. I get the point :) very good post thank you you covered a lot fence and steeples are a favorite of mine tood

  12. Great pointy shots. The church spire shot is great. The Italian shot reminded me of the Washington Monument. I am surprised that there are so many boats in Vancouver. It is so cold and wet. ;)

  13. Did you put your name on the pencil? I have never heard of the brand "Leslie" before.. haha. Great idea :)

  14. Criz - ha ha! We have people to do that for us. When I saw that they had my name on pencils, I just to buy them!

  15. the boat shot is nice... but i love the first one. those fences are cool too - i'm partial to photos with fences...

  16. Lovely selection of shots, Leslie. You would love the church steeples in India - and the history behind them.

  17. Beautiful entries. I especially like the spire shot. Happy hunting.

  18. Excellent post, you got right to the point

  19. Leslie,

    I had a difficult time finding something pointed. I did do a shot of pencils...but mine was no good. Glad I found something better. Your's were all GREAT!

  20. Great set of pictures Leslie.....I could only pick one! LOL!

  21. great photos...great post! enjoy photo hunting!

  22. Amazing how many great pictures you found for this particular Photo Hunt entry! :)

  23. Good pics you have, if you have time fell free to visit my site too and live some comment, tnx

  24. lovely pointed photos! I also did a steeple on my other entry (on this blog)
    thanks for visiting the snap2days as well

  25. Oh, I really like all your points!!
    Those UK spires really are cool. I always love seeing them. Will we see sun today in the Northwest???

  26. Wow, lots of pointed stuff! Great photographs. I did Photo Hunt today, too! Come see mine and put your link up. :)

  27. All great pointed things and then there are the pencils.

    For some reson the pencils in my library seem to have not only points but legs. They scramble away at an alarming rate. I thing once again Imust order some that say "Library Use Only" and are an uncommon color.

  28. Your photos totally stand out. Great picks for the theme.
    Thanks for dropping by!

  29. Great pictures. What a good idea: personalised pencils so the kids won't use them.

  30. Love the boat!! I don't think I've seen one of those yet today. Good thinking!

    Thanks for visiting me today! Have a great weekend!!!

  31. Good choices for pointed - from the mundane to the more exoctic.
    Thanks for stopping by my place.

  32. Great choices for the theme. I love the photos of the church from a distance. Lovely sailboats. The rest of the photos are wonderful.

  33. You have some lovley photos here for the theme, I must have passed that church spire on the way to Cardiff a few times. I like the shapes of the wrought iron fencing.

    I am late with my post this week, I have chosen a church spire as well.

  34. All great selections for pointed.

  35. for the pencils photo, I think you need to get a colorful cup, with some sort of design on it. Will look much better.

  36. Llandaff Cathedral - takes me back! Love the Italian fences, too.

  37. What a wonderful collection of pointed photos! Funny that I did obelisks too.


Join the fun and even go off topic if you want! :D