Friday, July 18, 2008

Saturday Photo Hunt - What IS That?

Okay, here's my contribution. What do you think it is? (Click to enlarge.)

To see more photos from participants in the Saturday Photo Hunt, see tnchick here. Sorry I may not be able to get around to too many this weekend as it's the last few days of having my visitors from the UK here. They return home on Monday and we're trying to squeeze in as much fun as we can before then. But I hope everyone has a great weekend.


  1. I'm guessing crusty bread, perhaps?

  2. Looks like watermelon to me! hehe

  3. I'm guessing some kind of scan. I hope you have fun with your house guests.

  4. Hmmm... muddy water? Have fun with your guests!

  5. I figured it out but I cheated. I won't say.

  6. hi Leslie, visitors from the UK? how nice! enjoy the last few days with your guests!

    i have no clue what the photo is. the moon perhaps? or someone's cellulite?

  7. Heiress Child - you're the closest so far. LOL

  8. I know what it is!! HAHAHA you all will laugh when the truth is revealed.
    Jamie (dtr #1)

  9. Water? I will be back for the answer, enjoy the rest of the weekend with your guests.

  10. I didn't figure it out, but I saw what it was....I guess I'm not supposed to say huh??? Especially since I, too, cheated. But only by accident! Have a lovely time with your guests!

  11. Jamie, I emailed david (1st commenter) and he said that you are very "sporting." So if anyone reads the comments, there is a hint for you all. LOL

  12. Hmmm, okay I am thinking it is a part of your dress apparel Leslie, I am leaning toward a shoe, or sock, your hat? a scarf? or perhaps pants? It isn't your bra is it!??

    What has got me stumped is how some of the others have "accidently" discovered what it is??

    Naw, I reckon it is your sock, that's my pick. Final for sure.


  13. was going to say it was a pic of sand on a beach but then I saw how some people knew what it was.... did make me laugh I have lots of these too :-)

  14. Sally, I think you got it! LOL Luckily, I didn't get too many...

  15. Hi Lesley...I didn;t have a clue until I read Sallys post....:-)

  16. Well, I cheated too but before that I thought it was the moon. Hmm.

  17. I cheated too *heh* Are they yours?

    It's pretty hard to escape them, isn't it?

  18. Okay, no more guesses now. I'll tell you that my daughter gave me permission to post this photo. It's a cropped shot and turned sideways of part of her pregnant belly. Those lines are her stretch marks that she proudly displayed to all and sundry. Some of you guessed it, but to those who didn't, well now you can go "EEEWWW!" LOL

  19. You should post the full picture!

  20. I'm not sure how I missed your entry over the weekend. Perhaps it was due to the problems with posting to tnchick's comments.

    Anyway, I never would have guessed except I saw the clue, too. My guess would have been maybe the top of a container of ice cream or something on that order.


Join the fun and even go off topic if you want! :D