Friday, August 22, 2008

Photo Hunt - Wrinkled

This week's photo hunt theme is "wrinkled." Of course, immediately I thought of how my own face has gradually produced more and more wrinkles, especially around the eyes. Even when I smile I see wrinkles in my cheeks! But, I should look upon these wrinkles with pride! Pride in a life fully lived. Pride in overcoming many unfortunate life circumstances. And, especially, pride in still being able to smile through it all.

Back at the end of May, my sisters and I took our mother's best friend Lucy out for lunch to celebrate her 89th birthday. Mother and Lucy grew up together, remaining best friends until Mom passed away in 2002. Lucy has had a tough life, always working while raising her only daughter by herself after she divorced her first husband. She was a woman well ahead of her time and would not suffer fools gladly. She eventually remarried but is now widowed and her only daughter will have nothing to do with her. For my sisters and me, Lucy is a connection to our mother and we happily keep in touch with her, taking her for birthday lunches and having her for dinner at Thanksgiving, Christmas, or other occasions. She is always elegantly dressed and coiffed and can teach anyone Emily Post's rules of etiquette. She plays bridge on a regular basis and has a mind like a steel trap. Her face is wrinkled now too, but all I see is character. What a wonderful woman she is, and I hope we will have the honour and privilege of being there for her for many years to come.

A bit of humour:

Q: How can you get rid of wrinkles on your face?
A: Go braless! That'll usually pull them out.


  1. If only it were that easy!

    I remember your wrote about your old friend before. She sounds like a magnificent lady.

  2. Old friends have the best wrinkles. Ha, and about your joke...I'll try it and let you know if it works..

  3. Beautiful shot, and write-up for the theme :) Happy photo hunting, and thanks for stopping by :)

  4. What a great tribute to your friend and I think she has a lovely face and yes I see a lot of character there.

    Ummm, I usually go bra-less and it doesn't work. Ooops, did I really publicly say that.

    Happy weekend.

  5. Oh, how so very nice of you and your sisters.

    And love your little joke!!

    Happy Weekend.

  6. G'day! How are you going? Love your entry for this week. :)

    It's bitterly cold in Canberra this week - wind blowing in from the South Pole!

  7. haha. I'm not a woman so perhaps I didnt get the full extent of the joke. :P

  8. I loved this post. Your friend looks so interesting. I'm going to go take off my bra now..LOL

  9. Great choice for today's theme... Mine's up too , hope you can hop at corner too... Happy weekend!

  10. Cool catch for PH theme... mine's up too hope you can visit.. Have a great weekend!

  11. Lucy is indeed a wonderful woman.

  12. Beautiful shot of a beautiful lady!

  13. What a beautiful lady.
    I love your little joke and I´ll try it ;)
    Happy weekend.

  14. What an interesting entry. Thanks for sharing.

  15. I remember that occasion too. I guess we should all wear our wrinkles with pride.

  16. Great for the theme. It is always nice to be able to link the theme to something one cares deeply about, whether it is a friend or a cause.


  17. I was going to post a picture of my mother-in-law, but I thought it would be wiser to go out and take some other pictures instead... ;-)

    My post is here. Have a great weekend!

  18. Enjoy the weekend are such a nice lady!

  19. Happy hunting ....mine is up dearie

  20. thanks for dropping by to my can come back anytime you want....have a nice weekend!

  21. Lucy is so beautiful :)

  22. What a wonderful photo and a wonderful Leslie. Happy weekend

  23. Tried that one. Might have worked once, but not any more! Lovely post, and thanks so much for your condolences last Wednesday - it means such a lot.

  24. LOL re: the joke! Lucy looks like a fine lady and someone who'd be full of stories to listen to. Thanks for stopping by Spatter...

  25. oh my on that last comment but she is lovely

  26. Sounds like a lovely person. Love the bit humor you included at the end of the post!

  27. Oh she's looking younger than ever! This is a great pick for the theme.

  28. Yes, you can see that Lucy was - and is - a glamorous woman. Life's too short to count wrinkles!

  29. she sounds like a really amazing lady!

    and that joke is so funny!!!

  30. What a lucky lady she is to have you as a friend.

  31. Lucy sounds like a lovely lady, how wonderful to keep the connection to your mother.

  32. We should all look so beautiful at 89, if we're fortunate and blessed to live that long. Maybe it's the wine that helped keep her young. If so, I'm in luck!

  33. What a lovely lady and how much she must mean to you and you sister! I know what it is to be estranged from your child and it isn't easy, so I'm glad she has you!

  34. She looks like a lovely elderly friend in my apt. building who is 97 tho. . . I don't mean she looks older but SWEET! She earned those wrinkles!

  35. Great photo for our "wrinkled" theme this week. What a special lady.

  36. Great story. I haven't seen too many posts with look at my wrinkles. We are all very self conscious about that. We will talk about it, but not share.

    I'll try that braless thingy later in life when I have wrinkles.

    Sorry about your church. Those kinds of institutions are very important in our lives.


Join the fun and even go off topic if you want! :D