Friday, August 08, 2008

Photo Hunters - DARK

We moved to Ottawa, Ontario (our nation's capital) in July of 1986. It was a temporary move for my husband's job and we took advantage of all there was to see and do in such a climate. In the winter it's freezing cold and my husband made our entire back yard into a skating rink for our two daughters. I did a post on that here for ABC Wednesdays, "O is for Ottawa." I included this photo, but I really like it and it fits for Photo Hunters' "dark" theme today. These are my two girls, aged 11 and 7 1/2 at the time, skating outside on the rink in the dark. My husband put up floodlights so they could see well enough to skate, and it sure was fun watching them speed around their own private ice rink. Afterwards, they'd come in for hot chocolate and marshmallows before having a bath and going to bed. Sweet memories for me and for them, too, I imagine.

Click to enlarge if you like.


  1. wow their own private skating rink - how lucky are they?! sounds like great fun :-)

  2. That is a very nice photo miss Leslie

  3. Wow, that looks like a fun photo, Leslie :)

  4. That looks like so much fun. Great shot of your daughters and I'm sure it is a good memory for them.

  5. That really does look terrific! I especially like the hot chocolate part and marshmallows... yummy! =)
    Mountain Retreat

  6. Husbands can think of some of the most fun for kids. My husband once made a swimming pool in the body of his pickup truck.. Loved this post and the photo!

  7. Nice pic. I never tried ice skating before but they made it look so easy!

  8. Pretty cool!!! Private ring and skating in the dark, returning home to hot chocolate and marshmallows...heaven!

  9. This photos suits this theme perfectly Leslie. Have a good weekend.

  10. Oh that is cool shot. Happy hunting!

  11. A private skating rink sounds grand! And, judging from the expressions of the girls, a source of a lot of fun and happiness! :)

  12. Omigosh that was the most fun. I really loved that! We made the most of the freeeeeezing weather out there. I really miss Dad!

  13. nice shot ms leslie...happy weekend

  14. The memory of skating in the backyard must be soooo special to your girls too. Precious moment! I can just imagine how it must be for them.

  15. happy weekend...mine is up too.

  16. have a nice nice week ahead! nice blog...hope u can find time visit my site too.

  17. A yard as a skating rink? Now that is a passport to fun (and a few tumbles?) Happy weekend!

  18. Wow! Your own skating rink in your backyard!! how cool is that! Such fun growing up in a country with large spaces! :)

  19. Dark had me baffled Leslie, ashamed to say! Still I can at least talk to Belinda! LOL! All will be revealed!

  20. We have a back yard pool, which would be perfect if it just got a little cooler. Great and unique family event.

  21. What a great dad! And a lovely photo and memories.

  22. Oooo, bbrrrr! Great photo for "dark." Love the way the ice looks.

  23. Wow! That looks fun... your own private skating rink--where hot chocolate with marshmallows after don't cost an arm and a leg hehe...

  24. Looks like loads of fun!!

    Happy Weekend.

  25. lovely
    I lived in Switzerland (born and lived there until 13) and we used to make our own ice rink too! FUN stuff

  26. They look so happy and such a cosy atmosphere!

  27. Nice pic and great one for the theme!

  28. It looks like the water (ice) has clouds or bubbles in it. how cool to be able to flood your yard for a skating rink. Does it damage the yard?

    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my post today. Check back any time.

  29. I loved skating at that age, too. But I had to go to the village rink. Great picture!

  30. Oh wonderful, Leslie. Sweet memories indeed. I've lived in Florida my whole life and cannot imagine ice-skating in my backyard. Water skiing, maybe! =) Hope your weekend is delightful and bright.

  31. Great shots of your daughters -
    looks really like great fun.

  32. Precious photo! Great idea for the theme. Brings back memories of my childhood days skating on my neighbors homemade rink.

  33. Thanks for your comments, everyone! I appreciate them very much. And the memories are sweet for us all.

  34. Are kitties allowed to have hot chocolate and marshmallows? Skating looks like such fun and our long furry coats would keep us very warm.
    Thank you for visiting us, it was nice to meet you!
    Maggy, Zoey & The Zoolatry Human

  35. That looks such fun! Imagine being able to go skating in the dark in your own back yard :)

  36. Hi ~ I just wandered here for the first time and I enjoyed reading your posts. My pictures are my most valuable possession since they hold soooooo many memories. Cherish yours.

  37. Love that photo! Have you scanned a lot of pictures? I need to do that but it takes a lot of time and I don't know a quick way! If you have a hint share please! Thanks

  38. What fun! I was in Ottawa a very long time ago, just visiting.


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