Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Past, Present, and Future Me

I've been tagged by Anne in Oxfordshire. I normally don't do these memes, but after all the emotions of the past little while over the USA Presidential election, I think I need to just do something silly-ish for a bit. I'm not actually going to "tag" anyone because I'll probably get it wrong as to who enjoys doing these memes. But I hope you enjoy reading a bit about me! Maybe you'll learn something new today. Okay, here we go with six random things about me...

1. When I was a stay-at-home Mom and drove my daughters to their activities and functions, I'd always sing in the car. Now I'm not great at remembering the lyrics, so when I didn't know the words, I'd just sort of hum along or make up my own words. The girls would be absolutely "dying" because I'd do 60's actions to the music (imagine the bumping and grinding and hand movements while trying to steer) and they'd be screaming at me to "STOP!" I used to tell them that at my funeral they could mimic me and tell everyone all about how I enjoyed torturing them in the car. I still hope they do!
2. I love watching TV. I actually plan my evenings around the television shows I enjoy watching. Now, if there's something more exciting for me to do (like blogging or going out with friends) I'd do that. And I certainly wouldn't refuse an invitation out just because "my show" is on. But normally, I watch a few hours during the evening. Shows I enjoy right now are the Law & Order shows, murder mysteries, Grey's Anatomy, CSI (the original only), Without A Trace, and two new ones - Life on Mars and Eleventh Hour. Do you notice that most of these programs have something to do with justice?
3. I love reading, especially historical novels. However, although I have a library card, I don't like taking books out. Every time I do, I inevitably come upon pages with marks or stains and it creeps me out, wondering "What IS that? ICK!" So I buy my books either at bookstores or online and then either take them to a used bookstore to get a bit of money back OR I give them to friends that will enjoy the story. I always ask for books for Christmas gifts - as children, we always received two books each every year.
4. If I could live anywhere in the world outside of Canada, I'd choose England. The people are wonderful, the climate is similar to here, and they speak the same language. I'd love to be able to "hop" over to the continent for a week here or a week there. I'm fascinated by Europe and its history, culture, architecture. However, if I ever get to see Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa I just might choose to live there. The only down side I can imagine is that they drive on the wrong side of the road!
5. If I could start over in life, I'd study photojournalism. Back in the mid to late 60's, girls had basically three choices in life: (a) become a nurse, (b) become a teacher, (c) become a waitress or salesgirl. All of these things were only until you got married because then you stayed at home to take care of the children. I've discovered that I love to travel, I love to write, and I love to take photographs. I'm not necessarily that great in any of these areas, but I'd do it if I were to start over. And yes, I can still do these things, but it's now a hobby whereas I'd make it my life's work if I were to start over.
6. Deep down in my heart I'd like to be totally and unconditionally loved. I can imagine us planning big and little jaunts together, cooking for family and friends, and walking hand in hand through the seasons. We'd laugh and love into our old age and hold weather-worn hands while our great-grandchildren romp at our feet. This is my dream.

Oh, and one other thing. I do enjoy a few of the photography memes because they challenge me to try to come up with something unique each week. I limit myself to three because I don't want blogging to become my "real" life. There's far too much real life to live right now. Blog on!


  1. Hi Leslie,

    Came across your blog through some one who had visited mine, as you do! How lovely to read that you too love being a Grandma... I have three grand children who I love.
    Like you I am a retired teacher, which I did when I married Mike at age 63. A very big step for me and quite a culture shock because with him were his twin teenage daughters.
    I shall pop back to see how you're doing with that memoir!


  2. Hello, I keep 'seeing' you on Liz's blog. thought i'd say hello :0)

    Much to my children's horror I also sing along to c.ds, lol.

    I'm english and if I could live anywhere it would be Canada or N.Z!

  3. your chance of love will come.... just dont give up and DARE To BELIEVE a saying from a book that Anne sent me some years ago when i thought my life was over :-)

  4. When you next come to England I would love to show you round some of my local gardens xx

    Sally's comment is quite true it brought a lump to my throat!

  5. Hi Cherry - I started a list of gardens you've blogged on so that I can see them next time I'm over.

  6. Hi Chris and Sally, thanks for the pep talk...appreciate it. :)

  7. Hi Amanda - isn't it fun to torture our kids? LOL

  8. Hi Leslie, thanks for sharing your thoughts and part of your life.I admire you for all the courage you show in all your posts. Have a nice weekend.

  9. Leslie
    How can you sell or give away your books?
    I am seriously hyper-ventilating after reading this.
    I STILL have my Bobsey Twins, Nancy Drew, Trixie Beldon etc. etc. books from way back when.
    The ONLY books that I have lost in my life are the ones that I *lent* out that have not been returned.
    And I can still remember the names of all the people who *borrowed* them.
    I have replaced every single one of these lost, borrowed books.

    Bear((( )))

  10. You don't need to study photojournalism - you're DOING photojournalism right here.

    Rock on.


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