Tuesday, December 09, 2008

ABC Wednesday - U is for Unforgettable

To understand why this song means so much to me, you have to read the previous few posts. It is unbelieveable to me that an unforgettable romance can become fresh and new again - and perhaps even better.


  1. I am so happy for you, Leslie! And what a perfect song for your days together.

  2. Such a sweet song.

    You can check my "U" picture here. Happy mid-week!

  3. I think I know just how much it means to you, Leslie.

  4. All the best to both of you.
    Bear hugs.

    Bear((( )))

  5. What a romantic post on the ABC Anthology !
    Beautiful voices .
    Today, my post features of music !

  6. I love that song; I am so pleased for you in your renewed found happiness. I wish you all the best!

  7. You are flying... nice, ain't it.

  8. I wish you a very happy Christmas!

  9. Love is just love.
    No comments needed
    Live IT
    and love it

  10. My wife ought to have written this reply since she has always been a great fan of Nat King Cole.

    Reading your previous post, though, I think I wouldn't have measured up...

  11. I am clearly coming in late into this story but I just want to join the others in celebrating your unforgettable experience. :)

  12. I'm so happy for you. Love is truly grand. This last year I saw my ex-husband for the first time in twenty years. He actually came to Powell River. He was best friends with my current husband. The experience was a little unusual, but it reminded me that taking a chance on a new love also works well. Enjoy your unforgettable moments! - Margy

  13. All I can say is that I'm really happy for you. May your current happiness just grow and grow.

  14. I wish you the best! Loneliness is very hard and a good companion is a real tresure!

  15. Wow! Leslie, it is all so wonderful and you give us all hope!
    Lovely song, too.

  16. How wonderful..this is so romantic. Good wishes for the future Leslie..

  17. I hope you soak up every moment and enjoy it to the fullest!! You deserve it!

  18. These last few posts have just made me SMILE for you :-)

  19. I love that song. I wish you'd post a picture of yourself. I'll bet you have a glow about you! :)

  20. Okay... I read your post about the TRACTORS again - one of my favorites don't you know! So, what am I missing....??!

    Seriously, CONGRATULATIONS Leslie!! I am just being silly. I have followed your situation closer than you may know (!!) and I am extremely happy for you!

    Oh, just for the record, I would sure enjoy another tractor or tiller or truck post....!! Heh!!

    Take care.

  21. Leslie, how wonderful. You deserve every happiness!

  22. i can feel your joy and happiness from here...... :-)


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