Tuesday, December 16, 2008

ABC Wednesday - V is for Virgin Mary

I think it's appropriate at this time of year to point out the true meaning of Christmas. These days, we're living in a world where Christmas is about the tree, Santa Claus, gifts, and the turkey dinner. However, Christmas is not about the tree, Santa Claus, gifts, and the turkey dinner.

Through immaculate conception, a baby was born to the Virgin Mary. His name was Jesus.

CHRISTmas...celebrating the birth of God's son to the Virgin Mary.
Jesus is the reason for the season.

Above right is a photo I took through a jeweler's window in Taormina, Sicily, back in 2006 when I was visiting there. (Click to enlarge) It was the most beautiful nativity I'd ever seen and just had to capture it with my camera.
When my older daughter was 2 years old, I bought a little nativity scene at the old Woodward's store in downtown Vancouver. (Anyone in Canada remember Woodward's?) It cost $26.00 and I was afraid to tell my husband how expensive it was. I'd always lift my daughters up to see the baby Jesus every night before they went to bed and made sure that they understood that Christmas was a birthday party for Jesus.
Of course, Santa did come to our house and always left lovely gifts for everyone under our beautifully decorated tree. And we always have a great turkey dinner, too. I hope that however you celebrate the CHRISTmas season you will all have a wonderful and memorable time.

Do you have a nativity scene that you display every Christmas? I'd love to hear about your special traditions for this season.


  1. Hi Leslie,
    Wonderful post and what a great idea for V this time of year! We do have a nativity we display every year. I bought it when my kids were babies. It's small and wooden so they could handle it. I'm on a quest now to buy a more elaborate one...
    I keep saying Merry Christmas no matter how many Happy Holiday greetings I get :0) A very Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  2. Oh yes! I think I will take pictures of Virgin Mary for round 4!

    My V entries are here and here. Please drop by if you have time. Thanks.

  3. i agree with you. the virgin mary played a very important role in the nativity and birth of christ! without her, there would be no salvation for mankind!

    btw, mine is here: http://seasons.pinoyvibes.net/2008/12/17/v-is-for-vow/. hope you can visit too.

    happy wednesday!

  4. A great V.
    May be my V cover a guarantee for lifelong virginity behind the lines
    Merry Christmas to you

  5. One gets amazed at the amount of detail and work that goes into such a scene - thank you for sharing!

    PS The lake is well worth trying in summer!

  6. Yes we have a crib that we bring out every year - got it about 30 years ago and my wife painted all the figures herself.

  7. I have visited Taormina, in Sicily!
    Beautiful crib, indeed.
    -Napolitan cribs are famous.

  8. I don't have a nativity scene, but like you, I think people should remember why we celebrate Christmas. While I was a practicing Buddhist, I didn't have Christmas celebrations, because I thought that would be hypocritical of me. Now that I've returned to Christianity, I'm more focused than ever on what Christmas is supposed to be about. Sometimes I think we need a little break.

    Thanks for the lovely reminder of the reason for the season. Peace - D

  9. You are so right, Leslie--too many people have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas. And even though many of us do remember, the hustle and bustle of Christmas activities can cause us to lose sight of the "reason for the season." One of our family traditions is going to the church service on Christmas Eve before we have our family celebration.

    Glad you have a new someone special to celebrate Christmas with
    this year.

  10. That is a very beautiful Nativity scene. No, we don't have one here - I'm a Quaker married to an atheist!

  11. Excellent post, Leslie. Beautiful photos and your next post is great.


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