Tuesday, February 03, 2009

ABC Wednesday - C is for Coming Along

Hi everyone! Sorry I missed B is for "better" but I have to say that things were NOT better. In fact, I ended up back in the hospital for another week because the pain was intolerable. As I healed (from the outside inward), the healing must have hit some swelling, bruising, or a bit of internal bleeding and no prescription medication - Demerol or Percocet - would ease the pain. If you missed my previous post about "there's no place like home," just give it a quick read as it explains it all there.

Anyway, I've been home now for 5 days and things are coming along okay now. Of course, I still have to take my pain medications, but sometimes I can go 8 hours between doses and some nights I've been able to go from 11:00 pm until around 8:00 am.

I am now able to sit in the bath chair and give myself a shower, although it takes all my energy and I have to rest afterwards. I can now walk slowly around the house without the "granny walker" and today my sweetie took me for a very short and very slow stroll outside to enjoy the sunshine.

There won't be any carousing or calisthentics for me for quite some time still but it's so wonderful when my sweetie brings coffee and a fresh-baked muffin to me in bed when he gets home from his graveyard shift. He doesn't mind combing my hair for me and doesn't even mind when I'm almost comatose from all the pain meds. He also gives me such comfort when I succumb to crying from frustration and weakness.

As long as things continue to improve, I don't need to see the surgeon until March 2, when he'll take an X-ray then. Hopefully, the bones are melding well and I won't have to wear this brace the entire 3 months. I can hardly wait to get exercising properly again. In the meantime, I guess I need to learn the meaning of patience.

Hope everyone's had a good week and I'll try to get around to visit, but please understand that I can't sit for long spells yet. See y'all next week.


  1. Courageous 'C'! You're keeping your sense of humour and that's better than any medication!

  2. What a wonderful post! I am so happy that things are finally starting to click into place and you are on the road to recovery. You had me worried there for a while...
    Hugs to you... please continue to heal!

  3. So sorry you had a set back, Leslie! But it sounds like everything is good now. ;-)

  4. It does sound like your convalescence is moving a little more smoothly. Keep it going...

  5. I hope you soon will run around and take photoes.
    Thank you for charing this C.
    Keep it up, friend:)

  6. C for Comfort and I hope you are having lots of that...What an ordeal you've been through. I have a synovial cyst on my lower spine which the Consultant says I may need an operation...after reading of your experiences I feel extemely apprehensive.
    Have any of your readers had surgery for this..I would appreciate any constructive views.

    hope you can pop over to my site Leslie, there's some wonderful news about our new grandchild.

    Keep getting well,

    Love from the snowbound UK.


  7. Leslie, I haven't been here for awhile, and I am so sorry to hear you have had to endure so much. Back surgery--from what I've been told--is one of the hardest to endure. I hope your recovery goes quickly and that you are back on your feet soon.

  8. H i Leslie,
    All my love take care with your reccovery and hugs, if I am in the neigbourhood I wil come along!

    Greetings JoAnn/Holland

  9. So glad to hear you might finally be turning a corner Leslie.

  10. Soon you'll be ready for

  11. Patience is one of the harder things to find, but glad you are feeling a bit better. And "coming along" is encouraging! Enjoy the love being showered on you!

  12. Suggestion...Are they some program or some how you can get help in your home?
    I do home care and it actual help the people to heal a lot faster.

    Wishing you blessing for healthier you and coffee is on.

  13. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear you were in the hospital. I wish I would have known so I could send you a card. I will pray for your continued recovery. God bless.

  14. I haven't stopped in for a while...sorry to hear about your pain but sounds like your surgery is going to be a success for you ultimately! good "C"s.....

  15. So glad things are beginning to improve for you. It does help to have a "sweetie" close by to help you heal.
    Just keep on keeping on.

  16. Hi Leslie ..so pleased that you are improving and on the road to recovery.

    Oh yes you need to learn the art of Patience...don't run before you can walk. :-) :-)

  17. I am so glad to are slowly getting on the mend :-) But take it easy xx

  18. It all sounds really horrid. poor you, leslie. What excellent timing it turned out to be meeting up with your sweetie again - and he hasn't run off in a time of crisis so looks like he's a good 'un.

  19. I am so glad you are home and feeling better I was really worried about you.

    You know if a guy hangs in there for times like these he is a guy worth keeping...or so I heard...

    Feel better everyday and I wish a Tango to you in the very near future.



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