Tuesday, February 10, 2009

ABC Wednesdays - D is for Doctors

Continuing with my latest theme of being disabled, I decided to honour my doctors today. From the time I saw my general practitioner (or "family doctor") last February to the radiologists who gave me a CT scan and an MRI, to the anaesthesiologist and surgeon who worked on me last month I must say I have had excellent care.

My GP is Dr. M, a friend's uncle and a wonderfully kind and sensitive man. When I arrived in his office last February to tell him that both my legs had gone out on me, he stated emphatically that it was time for another CT scan - the last one was 4 years ago. Dr. M has been there for me through thick and thin during times when I didn't think I could make it through the latest health battle for myself or my children.

When I went for my CT scan and my MRI, I was treated with dignity and respect by everyone, including the receptionists, technicians, and radiologists. About 3/4 of the way through the procedure in the MRI machine, my heart started pounding wildly and I thought for a moment that I'd have to get out of there. But the voice of the radiologist was calming as he spoke through the intercom, reassuring me that we were almost finished.

Finally, what can I say about my Dr. McYummy, as I've dubbed him. He is/was my surgeon and he's been the absolute best. Most surgeons don't have very good bedside manner, but Dr. McY made me feel at ease when he gave me the odds of success for my surgery, which was desperately needed for my quality of life. He saw me every morning while I was in the hospital and when I needed to go back into the hospital to go on a regimen of pain control, he was so understanding.

We never really want to need doctors, but we do, and it's wonderful when you can have great doctors with not only education and skill, but also patience and sensitivity to what we must endure. Those with whom I've been in contact this past year have been the best. So here's to them.

Also, here's to Mrs. Nesbitt, our ABC Wednesday hostess. Click here to read more about ABCW.


  1. I absolutely agree. Good Doctors and Nurses are so important. I'm glad that you got such excellent care. Continue on your way to recovery. Lots of Hugs and best wishes.

  2. It was really good that you had such a positive experience with your scan, which would probably make me feel claustrophobic.
    Hope all is well with you.
    I will read some of your older posts to carch up!

  3. Aw......... Sorry I missed all this, Lesley. I will put you in my gismo so that I will keep updated. X

  4. :) Best wishes !!

  5. The first doctor-post I have seen today :) Clever :)

    Have a nice day :)

  6. I'm glad that you not only had such capable doctors but that they were caring as well. Bedside manner is so important to patients! I hope that you are continuing to heal and improve each day, Leslie.

  7. oooh my poor friend ,
    How are you doing? You might (not?) know that I feel the pain you have,( out of my experience) just try to enjoy smaller things and give it some time to recover, Good doctors and nurses are also the half of your good care.

    I hope you have the best care dear Leslie I really do. BIG HUG!


  8. I am so sorry to read that you've been in and out hospital for so long now. Sorry that I didn't come earlier. I hope that you will get better. You.ve got a good doctor fortunately. You're right: that's very important.

  9. I have to take 3 xanax before I can have an MRI, I'm so claustrophobic. Man is it hard to drive home! :) j/k.......It's so good to have you back! I hope you're feeling better by the day!

  10. How true - we don't want to need them, but when we must, we hope for the perfect Doctor. Yours sounds wonderful. Good luck to you.

  11. I have been following your progress and I'm glad to hear your on the road to recovery. It's also good to hear that someone had a good experience with doctors. Mine unfortunately has not been so good of late. My hip surgeon was the absolute worst of all and I'll be looking for a new one for the other hip soon...ciao:)

  12. After all you've been through it's good to see you with such a good humour about doctors. Hope you are back to feeling well. - Margy

  13. I'm so sorry you're going through all this, but what a blessing it is to have doctors that you like and trust!

    That was a good post. :)

  14. Leslie--what an ordeal you've been through! I'm sorry to not have visited sooner. Amazing to read and ponder how you've persevered. Take.good.care.

  15. It's a shame you had to need them but i'm glad they were good.

  16. Thank Goodness for such wonderful doctors.

  17. Hi Leslie,
    Wonderful post. Doctors are awesome. Don't know what we do without them!
    My neurologist is the best and without him, I still be suffering numerous seizures each day and not able to function day to day... and now I'm able to hold a job and function daily life activities!! He just kept working with me until he found the right combination.
    MRI's are freaky and I'm so claustrophobic! Don't like them... sigh.

    I'm so glad you are getting stronger and stronger a little bit more each day. You have gone through so much and you are an inspiration!
    I'm so proud of you!

  18. Yes, good doctors who treat you as an intelligent person are worth their weight in gold.

  19. Lovely to hear your Doctors were so caring. Hope you are feeling better every day Leslie.


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