Tuesday, March 17, 2009

ABC Wednesday - I is for Ice Rink

Humble thanks to David over at authorblog for recognizing this as Post of the Day.

Kerrisdale Arena had long been the spot where my sisters and I had ice-skated since our early teens. Before we received real figure skates for Christmas one year, we'd rent our skates and wobble around trying to look like Barbara Ann Scott or whoever was the current Olympic champion.
In 1969, I had just turned 22 years old and my girlfriends and I would faithfully show up every Tuesday and Friday night for "Adults Only" skating.
One night I was wearing a cherry red sweater with tight pants and, with my long flowing dark hair, caught the eye of a certain hockey player. We ended up dating for over three years and even talked of getting married one day. However, as things happen, we drifted apart and each married someone else. Neither of our marriages were good ones - he got divorced, I was widowed.
Fast forward 40 years and guess who's together again? And this time we ARE getting married! Not sure when yet. But who would have ever guessed that after all these years, we still (or maybe it's "again") love each other?
And it all started in an ice rink.
I have to add that both my daughters took figure skating lessons and one of the older one's first competitions was at Kerrisdale Arena. I'll never forget how sweet she looked (at age 8) in the dark blue lace skating dress I made for her as she skated to music from "The Nutcracker." I'll never forget the lump of emotion and pride I felt throughout her performance. Now If I can only find the old tape made of that performance and have it put on a DVD.


  1. Wow ...Amazing ...Married...so fantastic, I bet you are over the moon!!! Congratulations :-)

  2. Thats brilliant news. Congratulations.
    Lovely ice rink too!

  3. What wonderful news to share! Congratulations! And it is a great looking ice rink!

  4. Congratulation, both with the up-coming marriage and with the most romantic post for quite a while!

  5. That is such a sweet story! And all thanks to some hard water and some metal thingies under your feet...

  6. Yes many congratulations and all happiness together..

  7. What a lovely story, with a happy end! Is this the man you met around Xmas? Congratulations!

  8. This is a wonderful post. Romance at an ice rink, ah yes....

  9. Thanks for sharing your wonderful news with us. Its just never too late for happiness. Thrilled for you.

  10. Congratulations! I love stories like this.

  11. You are getting married? So exciting! What a beautiful story! I love it. Magical for sure!

  12. How wonderful and congratulations to both of you. You have a beautiful love story to tell.

  13. Dear Leslie, what wonderful news. Congratualtions to you both. I've a great big smile after reading this post.

    Care and huggles to you from Wellington.

  14. Exciting! I must learn to ice skate! :) Nice post!

  15. Congratulations! I always felt marriage would happen for you....but what about some pictures of the lucky guy! Maybe of the two of you together! I'm just so happy for you!

  16. Congratulations! I always felt marriage would happen for you....but what about some pictures of the lucky guy! Maybe of the two of you together! I'm just so happy for you!

  17. That is just a perfect 'I' tale!

  18. Congratulation, what a love story and it all started at the Ice Rink.

  19. What a sweet story! And it all began in the ice!

  20. Happy to see you again: congratulations ! Great new and great choice !

  21. Ooh, ice skating - cold, a bit dangerous but fun! Loved your story too x

  22. Touched my heart, Leslie. Sometimes we never know what life is going to offer us.

    Warmest wishes to you both from a traveller who is still overwhelmed that you saw fit to travel all the way to YVR airport to meet me for breakfast.

    That kindness will never be forgotten ....

  23. Leslie....as you know I haven't been blogging very much lately...but what a wonderful surprise to come to your blog and read about you getting married....what a wonderful story...I guess some things are just meant to be....I am so happy that the two of you found each other again.....big hugs...and I am also glad your healing is coming along....

    it would be wonderful to see you when you come in the summer....I will be working a lot to make up for lost time...so I hope you visit to the island coincides with my days off.....


  24. Congratulations and my very best wishes for a happy life together!

    Congratulations also on David's Authorblog POD award! :-)

  25. Sigh. A true Canadian Love Story. Hockey and romance in the same post! Does it get any better than that?

  26. Over from David's POTD. Beautiful, romantic story. Congratulations to you on your ensuing wedding, and for winning POTD. Well desrved choice, I am glad I am here.
    Thanks for sharing your love story.

  27. What a fabulous story...with the happiest of endings! So thrilled for you! Congrats on POTD! It's so well-deserved!

  28. Hi everyone

    [url=http://www.internetmosque.net ] audio Explanation of the English Quran [/url]

    What do Muslims believe?"

    Muslims believe in One, Unique, Incomparable God; in the Angels created by Him; in the prophets through whom His revelations were brought to mankind; in the Day of Judgment and individual accountability for actions; in God's complete authority over human destiny and in life after death. Muslims believe in a chain of prophets starting with Adam and including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, John the Baptist, and Jesus, peace be upon them. But God's final message to man, a reconfirmation of the eternal message and a summing-up of all that has gone before was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through Gabriel.

    For more details [url=http://www.internetmosque.net ]click her[/url]


    All of us will die one day INCLUDING YOU.

    so before you die you must find out where the HELL you are going too.

    You must find out

    who is our savior Jesus or ?

    You may sleep tonight and never get up in the morning?

    You may die today.

    You may die within a week

    You may die within a month

    you may die within a year

    you may die within the next ten years

    one thing for sure

    You will die

    so find out how is our savior so that he may save you.










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