Thursday, July 23, 2009

Spanish Banks is part of MY WORLD

Named by the earliest European Spanish explorers in the 1770s, Spanish Banks is home to three of Vancouver's superior beaches - Spanish Banks, Locarno, and Jericho Beaches. Far from the madding crowd, you can scan the open waterfront to the west or turn towards one of the most beautiful city skylines anywhere. My friend Josie and I spent some time there on July 1 this year (and she posted about it here) but it was so windy we didn't stay long. The sand was hot between our toes but it was also blowing wildly through the air, sticking in our hair and noses! Lots of seagulls floated on the wind currents or braved the rough waters. It was at this beach when I was 5 years old where I knelt down in the shallows and landed on a broken beer bottle. Apparently, my screams could be heard all the way to the doctor's office where my mother rushed me for stitches. To this day, I bear the 3-inch scar on my right knee. Ah, but what a gorgeous beach it is on a pleasant summer's day. Here are some of my photos from that day. Be sure to click to enlarge the photos.

Thanks to the folks at My World Tuesdays for organizing all this. Go on over and click on participants' links to see "their" worlds.


  1. thank you for the tour, friend.

    good pix, good narrative, wish we were there. :-)


  2. I came over here expecting to learn something about Spanish Banking! (Was wondering what you knew about it)
    Anyway, was pleasantly surprised! Lovely place!

  3. You look GREAT in that picture. I wonder who took it. *heh*

    See you Tuesday...

    Clarice ♥

  4. What a lovely tour! I do love the beach! Great photos and your narrative makes the pictures even more interesting!

    Have a lovely week,

  5. beautiful captures of your beach...i just love the coastline of is simply wonderful.
    have a great evening.

  6. Beautiful Canadian Summer days.
    Beautiful shots.

  7. That is a beautiful beach. Great shots. I had a similar injury at the beach as a child with the remaining scars to prove it.

  8. That's a great looking beach. Funny how I initially got confused which part of the world I was in after reading Spanish Bank. :)

  9. That's the kind of place I also like Leslie!!! In all seasons of the year, in sunny weather in stormy weather, always...Have a great week.

  10. Lovely sandy beaches which I love. You do look rather windswept!

  11. That is interesting. We have a Spanish Head with many varied reason why. Looks like a fabulous place.

  12. What a gorgeous landscape. Surreal, the blend of the urban and the natural in such stark contrast.

  13. Thanks for the reminder - I went there in 1999 and the place is actually mentioned in a novel I'm working on at the moment!

  14. Very beautiful. Loved the snaps of skyscrapers.

  15. Very beautiful photos of the lovely, lonely beaches. A pity that people everywhere have a tendenct to drink on the beach and smash their bottles.

  16. Great photos and history of this part of your world. Hope you manage to keep cool in all this heat with you moving...a thankless job! Thanks for sharing.

  17. I grew up on West 5th and we spent so many summer days at Spanish Banks. Of course that was 50 years ago. (gasp)

  18. Beautiful beach shots! It has been ages since I have been to one. Lovely post.


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