Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

I'm off this morning with 3 girlfriends (Cathy, Irene, & Eileen) to a cabin at the base of Mount Baker, Washington. Three whole days of rest, relaxation, and chat. We're taking junk food (popcorn & Munchies) and some old videos to watch if we run out of things to talk about. I've never been to this particular place before so it'll be interesting to see if there are enough photo ops for me. We plan on doing some hiking, some swimming, and lots of eating! I'm hoping to take lots and lots of photos and NOT of any bears charging me...hear that, David??? So stay tuned for the further adventures of Moi et Amies.


  1. Wow leslie that sounds like loads of fun:-)..I am sure you will not need the videos, you won't run out of chat I am sure..!!

  2. Just what the doctor ordered. :-) Looking forward to hearing all about it.

  3. I'm sure you had a great time.

  4. that's one funky mountain ..!

  5. Our home base in the States is near Mt. Baker. In fact, our place in on a street called Bakerview Road. On a clear day (in the fall when the leaves are gone) we can even see Mt. Baker from our balcony. Sounds like fun staying in a cabin even closer to the big mountain. Way before we came to live up here, Wayne and I would go to the Abbotsford Airshow. I always remember the Snowbirds entering for their aerial display with Mt. Baker in the background. - Margy


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