Wednesday, September 02, 2009

I've Been Tagged By Welsh Liz ...

... to do this simple photo meme. Here are the instructions:

1. Open the fourth file where you store your photos.
2. Pick the 4th photo.
3 . Explain the photo.
4. Pass challenge onto 4 other bloggers.

So here's my Photo (click to enlarge). It's of Lorne and me having dinner on the deck of the cabin at White Lake on June 5th of this year. The very next evening over dinner, he gave me my engagement ring.

Okay, who to tag? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

You're hoping NOT ME ~ NOT ME ~ right?

The lucky quartet:

David over at authorblog (Australia)

Shrinky at shrink wrapped scream (United Kingdom)

Anne in Oxfordshire (England)

Welshcakes Limoncello at Sicily Scene (Italy)

Have fun, you guys!


  1. Your right Leslie, I was thinking please not me...!

  2. Well, well. Major congrats are in store. A lot happens when you lay off the blog world for a couple of months. You look so happy Leslie, and it looks like your back is all better?

  3. Aah!It's a lovely photo, Leslie.
    All my engagement photos, almost 22years ago, are faded and fuzzy. Digital is definitely a good invention.

  4. Lovely photo and romantic story to go with it. I hope my photo turns out to be an interesting one!


Join the fun and even go off topic if you want! :D