Tuesday, October 13, 2009

M is for Mountains

We have lots of mountain ranges in British Columbia. In fact, the entire province is comprised of mountains and valleys from the border of Alberta to the Pacific Ocean. Where I live is part of the Coastal Mountain range and one particularly beautiful region to visit is Whistler, right in the midst of all the mountains.

Yesterday, we drove the "Sea to Sky Highway" all the way to Whistler in order to visit a few of Lorne's old hockey and skiing friends. We're hoping to have our "Big Chill" weekend there next spring and also have a reunion with the guys who played on the Burnaby Stealers hockey team.

I've taken lots of photos around Whistler before, but this time I took the opportunity to take some photos of the mountainous areas just off the highway and towards the ocean. I hope you enjoy them as they were all taken from a moving vehicle. And NO, I wasn't driving. Please click to enlarge.

ABC Wednesday has been hosted by Mrs. Nesbitt for the last 3 years. However, due to business practicalities, she won't be able to host it after this round is over. Many thanks to Denise for the awesome job she's done and hopefully someone will take over for her.


  1. Oh my goodness. This is a gorgeous area. I think my finger would be crippled from taking so many pictures. Great post for the letter M.

  2. Awesome views you've shown us here. A real shame that Denise can't continue - I haven't done ABC for ages and I can only imagine the work needed to host it!

  3. Those are beautiful beautiful mountain scenes! It looks cold! Very nice "M" post!

  4. Having lived in flat land all my life, those mountains are beautiful! It is still very summerlike here!

  5. Wonderfully moody mountain shots. Its an area I've read about so lovely to see your vision.

  6. BC is beautiful....
    I visited a couple of years ago and do want to return.
    Your photos are wonderful and from a moving car? Fantastic!

  7. Hi Leslie,
    Fantastic Mountain views, I love all of them !

    Greetings JoAnn/Holland
    Happy ABC

  8. these pics definitely more impressive enlarged!

  9. I love mountains. Love. them. I would go to Canada just to see mountains.

  10. Is the highway all ready for the Olympics traffic? We tried to get tickets, but no luck. Looks like we won't get isolated in Powell River during the events. They are finding a way to keep Pacific Coastal flying. Of course, there's driving and the ferries, but that doesn't sound like much fun with all the traffic. TV here I come. - Margy

  11. Beautiful! What a lovely part of the world!
    Funnily enough I was talking to my niece who lives in Vancouver and she mentioned that Whistler had had snow.

  12. Such Majesty! I believe Martha Stewart said it first: "Mountains. They're a good thing."

  13. oohhh how i love walking in the mountains :-)

  14. I love your photos!
    We did the trip up to whister a year ago (2 weeks before the rock slide!)
    I still miss the mountains, the ocean!


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