Monday, February 01, 2010

C is for Charismatic Canadian City

Instead of writing a whole bunch about my crazy Canuck city, which is the host for the upcoming Winter Olympics (in 10 days), I thought I'd just give you a peek at how beautiful it is. So sit back, relax for about 6:50 minutes while I take you away to Lotus Land. If you're coming for the Olympics, you're going to get really excited and if not, well, sorry...but be sure to watch on TV. In Canada CTV is covering it and in the USA, NBC has the rights. Not sure about other countries, so check your local listings.


  1. Great video of a lovely City! Thanks for the tour! Perfect for the C day! Hope your week is going well!


  2. I have an old postcard of Vancouver (1908 or so). It looks so small and undeveloped then...still the same beautiful setting though.

  3. I would so love to be back in Vancouver! I loved my visit there 2 summers ago. Great video!
    Can't wait for the Olympics to begin - I believe!!!

  4. Haha if they want people to know what it's going to be like DURING the Olympics they should have put in some pics of rainy days :P Still, nice pic of Vancouver....mostly in the summer....but nice


  5. Wonderful video and what a lovely City. I wish we were viviting you for the Olympics. its a pretty exciting time and I know we will be glued to our TV for the games.

  6. Great video - Vancouver has really grown since I was there last. Amazing. Spokane recently held figure skating competition where the two top scorers will be entered in the Olympics. Exciting!

  7. An exciting time for Vancouver, and a lovely city. Would you like us to ship you some snow from the Interior?

  8. Well, I saw a big white square with a cross in the top left corner, so I will have to take your word for it. (for some reason I am unable to watch any videos)

  9. It is indeed a beautiful place! My nephew and his family are there and so maybe one day...

  10. Looking forward to seeing more of the city next month!

  11. Loved the video, beautiful city. Going for gold. The BBC have the rights here, yay.

  12. That was fun! I saw several places that I recognised in that! Now I want to go back ...

    On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday this week! :)

  13. It's really a wonderful city!

    Kisses form Nydia.

  14. A wonderful compilation.
    I have many similar images in my own collection. I will be avoiding Vancouver for most of February.

  15. A great idea Leslie!

    Thanks so much
    Denise (ABC Team)

  16. Hi Lesley

    We will be watching as much as is televised for us here in UK..
    Exciting times
    Lovely to catch up with your blog I have been a bit busy and blogs have suffered.
    Love and Blessings
    Chris x

  17. Hi Lesley

    We will be watching as much as is televised for us here in UK..
    Exciting times
    Lovely to catch up with your blog I have been a bit busy and blogs have suffered.
    Love and Blessings
    Chris x

  18. Hi everyone
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