Monday, March 22, 2010

J is for JONES and J names

I was born into the Jones family. My paternal grandfather was Joseph Henry Jones and because he suffered from battle in World War I, he died young at about 55 years of age. I don't have any photos of him, but I do remember that we were living with him and my Nana Jones the year he died suddenly of a heart attack. It's as though it were yesterday when, from my upstairs bedroom, I could hear something going on downstairs. It wasn't until the next day that we were told that Grandpa had passed away.

My father was named John Richard Jones, but nicknamed Jack. From previous posts about him, you might recall that he became a famous soccer player in his early 20s before going on to serve in the RCAF during World War II. Dad was the only male child of JHJ, and because he ended up having three daughters, the Jones name died out. However, we three girls still consider ourselves to be Joneses and make sure our children know of their heritage. And even though none of our children inherited the Jones name, per se, there are lots of J names in our immediate family.

My younger sister was named Jacqueline and nicknamed Jackie after our Dad. My first daughter has a J name - Jamie and she married Jason - and my second daughter was named after her Auntie Jackie, but is called Jaclyn. The latest member of our family to have a J name is my new little Great Nephew, born February 18 of this year. He was dubbed Jack.

My late husband's father had a J name - James - and it's ironic that Lorne's Dad was named John Herbert and nicknamed Jack.

So as you can see, the letter J stands out in our family and there are lots of us with a J name. When I was researching the Jones name, I found out that there was a Welsh John Richard Jones (1765 -1822) who was a Baptist preacher. I wonder if we are related to him. I should check into that.

Below left is my sister Jackie when she was a little girl and on the right is my daughter Jaclyn just heading out on her first day of Grade 2.

And here is my daughter Jamie with her husband Jason. And on the right, the last of this particular branch of the Jones family, my Dad Jack not long before he passed away with his first great-grandson Noah.

I'm going to a "Welcome Jack" luncheon next Sunday to meet the newest Jack of our family and will make sure I get lots of photos of him. So stay tuned.
ABC Wednesday is the brainchild of Denise Nesbitt and if you're interest in participating or just reading some of the posts for ABCW, just click here.


  1. Very interesting post, Leslie. Never thought of a family "significant letter", but ours would definitely be M.
    Enjoy the Welcome Jack lunch- what a lovely idea! Looking forward to photos of the little one.

  2. Looking at the photo of your daughter, the family resemblence is striking! My father in law was called Jack - he was a true GENTLE man, I loved him to pieces. It wasn't until his funeral I discovered his actual name was John!

  3. What a great post for the J day, Leslie!! Love your pictures! It's always fun to see the families of our blogging friends! Have a great time at the Welcome Jack lunch and like the others I'm looking forward to the photos!! Have a great day!


  4. My sister married a Jack! They live in Hilo. Wow-you have a LOT of "J's" in your family!!

  5. You had an "easy" J this time - but well done :-)

  6. Your family that is filled with J's is just gorgeous! I love all the love that you share! Beautiful indeed!

  7. Lovely family - there must be many happy memories attached to those photo's.

  8. Delightful and interesting post Leslie. I wish I knew more of my family heritage. Now there are very few to ask. My folks never felt it was that important to trace things way back. now I'm sorry.

  9. Wonderful pictures of your family, and nice to meet some of the Jones girls!

  10. It's great that you have so many Js in the family.

    Happy ABC Wednesday!

  11. Lots of J's in your family ! Jones is also a very unusual name, lol !
    Gattina from ABC team

  12. I had a choir director whose wife Jackie was one of nine J siblings. My boss is one of six D siblings. I'd find it confusing myself.

    My sisters have daughters and I, the only son of my parents (who were only children) have a daughter. So the green name may fade away...

  13. What a lot of Js! Lovely photos.

  14. Leslie you certainly have alot of wonderful "J's" to be proud of!

    What a wonderful post and rememberance of wonderful people in your life!

  15. My Grandfather was a John, known as Jack, too. I've often wondered how it came to be an accepted alternative. I mean, it's not shorter, is it?

  16. In claiming famous relations, you would be remiss not to consider John Paul Jones, a true American Hero.

    Although he was not born with the name Jones, he adopted it later in life, to honor his own hero who bore the name.

    Sounds like he may fit right in with your family.

    Great post.

  17. Have a happy sunday gathering and glad to hear your family story and all the "J"s in your family.


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