Friday, March 19, 2010

Slow Process

I've been watching my tulips as they slowly respond to the change of season. Seems strange, but the ones in the back (facing east) are opening but the ones in the front (facing west) are still tightly closed.
But it's exciting to watch the slow development of these flowers. Maybe they sense that it's too early to awaken, yet are drawn by the brilliance of the morning sun basking them in warmth.
Click to "biggen" and see more detail.


  1. Ah, they won't be able to resist for much longer!
    Ours are a bit behind, due to a very harsh winter, but I'll post pics when they show a bit of colour.
    You must be getting excited about your wedding now?

  2. Everything is behind here too.....I did notice the azaleas look like they are just about ready to bloom!

  3. Lovely photos.. not sure what is happening here, at the moment more rain!!

    I think it is because the ones in the East get more sun that the west facing ones.. !

  4. Lovely photos.. not sure what is happening here, at the moment more rain!!

    I think it is because the ones in the East get more sun that the west facing ones.. !

  5. Oh, isn't it a joy to the soul to see the flowers coming back? All our daffidils are out now, such a cheery sight!


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