Monday, April 26, 2010


What an Opportune week to land on the letter O! Monday morning my DL had his operation for cOlOn cancer and I'm here to report that all seems well so far. Our worst worries were that the cancer might have spread (it doesn't appear to have done so) and he might have needed an Ostomy bag (he didn't). The surgeon told me that it was a simple resection and that he'll be in the hospital for at least 5 days.
This past month has been fraught with emOtion for bOth of us. At first DL said he wasn't going to have the Operation, but later, of course, changed his mind. I guess that was "denial." Then he started pushing people away from himself - he wouldn't talk to me or his friends and sunk into a deep Overwhelming depression. He believed he was going to die and was preparing himself for the absolute worst scenariO. Although I tried to stay Optimistic, which is my nature, that just frustrated and angered him. He finally began to Open up a bit to me and admitted that he was terrified that he would not wake up from the anaesthetic. He slOwly began to listen and accept that everything would be Okay in the lOng run. I was nOt going to leave him to die alOne and I promised that I would not mOther him when he gets hOme.
What I'm hOping for nOw is that DL will take this, do I dare say "adventure," as an Opportunity to find a pOsitive meaning for his life, will take stOck of whO he is and what he wants to accOmplish during the rest of his time alive. I truly hOpe he will take a good lOOk at his values and priOrities and identify sOme changes he'd like to make.
I knOw that fOr myself, I've taken stOck of my priOrities and a big wedding is definitely nOt necessary. I think it's important to cOmmunicate better with each Other and share Our innermOst and fundamental beliefs. I am very spiritual whereas DL believes the end is simply that - the end. One evening, he Opened up and wept that he would never hear music again when he dies. I had the mOst wOnderful OppOrtunity to tell him that Heaven is FULL of music and he was going to be in for a big surprise! It's mOments like these that can help give someone the strength to go on and cOpe with the difficulty of dealing with such a hOrrendous disease.
I'm hOping that DL will become more Open to hearing about an everlasting life full of music and lOve. One day, he will come to realize just how many people - all Over the wOrld - have been praying for him to Overcome this disease and move on to live the rest of his life to the fullest.
If he doesn't, see that mallet in the cartOOn?
To find out more about colon cancer, please click here.

I'd also like to thank everyOne whO sent up prayers and gOOd thoughts for us bOth - friends in Canada, the USA, England, Wales, and even Australia! God is gOOd...

Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself" -Matthew 6:34


  1. I am so grateful he did so well! No wonder he was so depressed it he thought dying was the end. I'll be praying that he does just what you hope for and reevaluates his outlook on the afterlife.

    I know you're tired! I hope you get some rest. And good luck on the not mothering part! I'd probably drive my husband crazy!

  2. Wonderful post, Leslie. I pray that he not only makes a speedy and full recovery but that he comes to know the One who loves him even more than you do.

    Just don't do as I did and buy him bright yellow pyjamas to 'cheer him up in hospital'. He hated them ...

  3. Hello Leslie,
    I'm so glad Lorne has come through his Operation, Overall, by all accounts, a satisfactory Outcome.

    Much love to you both, and God Bless all those around who are looking after Lorne, in the Medical Centre.


  4. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself" -Matthew 6:34
    I hope the music in heaven will be of Bach and Handel and all the other old guys.

  5. l'm so pleased you have connected n different are a very wise woman...and see his needs before he does....he is very lucky.

    thinking of you

    saz x

  6. Optimism is the key! And I'm so happy for you both that things have gone very well! I can just imagine how tired you are and I do hope you get some rest! May your lives get back to normal -- whatever that is these days! Holding good thoughts, Leslie!


  7. Optimism is a good thing! Glad it's going well for him.

  8. Indeed God is good! Will continue to pray and ask for fast healing and recovery. Happy Wednesday!

    ABC Wednesday~O

  9. Good news! Gosh, glad DL chose not be continue to be in denial! The other option would not have been a good outcome.
    Love the quote and the humor! Well done!

  10. Hope you both get through this testing time with optimism and love. Facing what we all like to push to the back of our minds is a courageous thing.

  11. It ain't the wedding, it's the marriage that's important.

    Yeah, I do understand that optimists can irritate when you're feeling depressed, and I know depressed. You just keep at it slowly.

    I also hate going under, which I did for a simple colonoscopy. It's about control.

    Oh, I was wrong - I thought you might have done another on Olympics - which I did.

    ROGER, ABC Wednesday team

  12. I am seriously happy that all went well. I do have to say that it is always my greatest fear, that I won't wake up from the anesthesia, always. I booked a colonoscopy for my husband today, it's been two years since his "scare". Take care...ciao

  13. I'm so happy to hear the good news Leslie. the loving support of family and friends the world over should speak loudly to your sweet man.
    It thrills me to hear that you were able to talk to him and share some glimpses of Heaven and the music he will hear. Seeds have been planted, now nurture them as you would a tender new plant.

  14. So glad that all is well with your life. Optimism (thinking positively) is such a force in our lives and such a help to healing.

  15. Leslie I am so glad that the operation went well. the worst seems to be over.
    Be sure to take care of yourself.
    I will continue to keep you both in my prayers.

  16. Good to hear the operation was successful. What great timing for this week's letter. I do hope the eyes of his heart are opened. Perhaps this experience will make him more receptive to your ideas.

  17. Glad to hear the operation went well. Optimism brings strength but don't forget to take care of yourself too.

  18. Hello Leslie, I'm really pleased to hear that the operation went well and that things weren't as bad as originally thought. Hope he recovers well and you can both get on with your lives together - you deserve it.

    We both share the "Operation" theme this week.

  19. I know I wouldn't relish having to have an operation - have avoided the need so far - but one day is probably ineviatble - at you are there to look after him and provide optimism.

  20. Good luck to DL. Will keep him in our prayers... God bless!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. May I take this Opportunity to say how much I admire you for your strength during the Ongoing struggles have to face. I'm sorry you and DL had such a MAJOR card dealt to you from the bottom of the deck. Now that the Operation has been successfully performed, I'm sunny-hopeful that your cards will Only come from the top of the pile. I keep you and DL in my prayers.

  23. My church group prayed for DL and you too. xx

    so pleased that L did finally open up about his fears.. Bless him.

  24. Now there's a picture of a way to knock someone out for a operation.

    On behalf of the ABC Wed. team, thanks for playing this week.

  25. I hope everything goes well with your DL, and he has a speed recovery. YOu're so right that the most important here is to be by his side and share. Simply share.

    Beautiful O post.

    Kisses from Nydia.

  26. I'm so glad to hear the op went well and he didn't need the ostomy bag! My OH's cousin did, but only temporarily, and she has now been without it (and cancer free) for many years since her op for bowel cancer.

    I agree - it's an ideal opportunity to reevaluate when something like this happens. It's what I did. But we slip and slide and one day we find we're not so gung ho as once we were, and I find we continually have to take stock.

    Optimism and continually finding delight in everyday life -that's the thing!

  27. It's so nice to read that it went so well !

  28. Great news the Op went so well and it hasn't spread! It is really a blessing to have that optimistic personality....and to have each other....

  29. Leslie that is the best news ever....omg...I am so happy for you it is time to heal...physically and mentally.....stay well my friend...

  30. O, you know you are both in our thoughts, dear Leslie.

    (And yes, ma'am, I see the mallet!)

  31. That's very positive news, Leslie, I am so relieved for you both - I know there is still a lot of recovery and healing yet to do, and it's natural if the doctors give a cautious all clear at this point - but it's looking good, thank goodness it was spotted and caught when it was, eh? Take care of yourself hon, try to rest if you can, it must be exhausting for you right now. (x)


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