Monday, July 26, 2010

B is for Beautiful Beaches & Broken Beer Bottles

I think beaches is the perfect word for this week! Our weather has been perfect - not too hot and not too cold, not too windy and not too still - just the right temperature for beautiful summer days.
Here is my favourite photo of my local beach called Centennial Beach, taken several years ago when my brave little grandson, wearing his blue t-shirt went toddling off on his own to explore. (Mommy and Gramma were watching closely, mind you.) There is a wonderful new play area at this beach now, so we should go back, this time with his baby sister. Be sure to click on the photos to see the detail better!

The next beach we frequent fairly often is about a 20-minute drive northeast to the village of Steveston. We park at Garry Point and watch the boats - sailboats, whale-watching boats, and tankers - heading out of the fresh water tributary of the Fraser River into the Strait of Georgia.

There are several beaches in the city of Vancouver, notably Spanish Banks (below), Kitsilano, and English Bay where you'll always find singles, adults, and families enjoying themselves. If you go, be sure to get some of our famous fish 'n chips from one of the many stands. From Spanish Banks, you have a brilliant view of downtown Vancouver. It was at this beach when I was 5 years old, that I knelt down in the shallow water to play and ended up right on top of a broken beer bottle. The doctor said he could hear me scream all the way at his office 20 blocks away! Several stitches later, I bear the scar to this day!

I've travelled by ferry to our very famous "Sunshine Coast" and meandered along the many beautiful beaches over there. There are lots of coves there, too, where back in the day you'd find smugglers bringing in rum and other contraband. The water and weather is perfect for sailing in this area, too! Can you see those gorgeous sailboats? I wish I were on one of them right now!

I have had the privilege of dipping my toes in the Pacific Ocean in the west and in the Atlantic Ocean from both sides. The first time was on the beach at Prince Edward Island and the second time was in Biarritz, France. I don't think I could live anywhere in the world unless I was near the ocean.
Now to one of my favourite beautiful beaches of all time - in Lerici, Italy. This was the view from my hotel room the first night out of Rome after driving for about 4 hours north to the Italian Riviera. Lounging on my patio, it was beatific to sip red vino while admiring the view all the way to sunset over the Mediterranean! Hope you all get a chance to spend some time on a beautiful beach in your neighbourhood. You can find them on lakes, rivers, seas, oceans! Just watch out for any broken beer bottles!


  1. Absolutely beautiful beaches!
    Gorgeous photos Leslie! I love the ocean. We used to summer in Maine when I was young and still remember trying to outrun the waves!
    When we went to Vancouver- I loved the ocean, especially the views from Victoria!
    Then there is Cayman island - now those beaches were my favourite!
    have a great week.

  2. Fantastic beaches Leslie - my favourite beach is just a 5 minute drive away and i was hoping to go today but the weather isn't looking too good. It is my favourite because it is always quiet.

  3. What gorgeous beaches indeed, Leslie!! And your photos are superb! I love living near the water and having access to the beach less than five minutes away! Hope your week is off to a great start! Enjoy!


  4. I lived by the Pacific ocean for 41 years. It usually was too foggy and cold to really enjoy it. Now we are 2 hours away and its fun to go back to visit.
    Great post of some absolutely gorgeous beaches.

  5. I love the beach and you showed us some very beautiful one. Wonderful shots. I had a similar experience to the one you had as a child except I stood on a rusty pipe in the ocean and my screams were also pretty intense while being treated.

  6. A beautiful and bountiful collection of B's today! Wow!
    And, who doesn't like beaches? I've never seen the beaches in Vancouver, so it's nice to get a view! Thanks!

  7. Your photos are brilliant especially the bottom one! Lovely! I hope everything is okay with you and your husband? How is he doing?
    I think of you.

  8. I have some long-term scars; I remember every one.

    Nice photos.

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  9. These are wonderful photos, and a great submission for "B"!

    Have a good rest of the week!

    Hood Photo Blog

  10. Great "b's" Leslie! I'm dying to go to the beach - I'd even be happy to be in the fog, as it is over 100 degrees here lately. Beautiful photos!!!

  11. I loved the beach pictures you shared today. They are all so Beautiful and cozy looking. But, Be careful where you set, no more Blood, mud and Beer Bottle accidents, OK?

  12. I want to go on holiday now! That last one especially looks so lovely...

  13. Gorgeous. I'm partial to beaches, too! Broken beer bottles are such a hazard - several people I know have been attacked by them.

  14. I love all these beach photos....such beautiful blues! The shot with the skyline is fantastic....and Italy...beautiful.

  15. I bet this is the word that everybody would love to go and hang out. Your photos are inviting. Thanks for sharing and the visit!

    ABC Wednesdsay~B

  16. The weather here has been hot and humid and even looking at your beach photos had a cooling effect.

    I love the beaches on Cape Cod. Maine beaches tend to be rocky. Judging from your photos I expect I'd love your beaches.

    ABC Wednesday Team

  17. Beautiful beaches Leslie - I love the picture of your grandson, poking around, being curious. Wonderful age.

  18. Awesome pics!! I only wish I could visit these beaches one day, minus the broken beer bottle. Enjoy your beautiful beaches and your summer.

  19. Wonderful view of the beach, th water looks so inviting, love the photo with the background of the building, it's beautiful. Nice entry for B.

  20. I love beaches. Actually, I love bodies of water, so I really enjoyed your post and your photos. I'm hoping for a couple days on the coast in September.

  21. Ooooooh, that grandbaby of yours is too cute for words, and looks good enough to eat! What a wonderful shot you captured, there.

    These beaches put me in mind of holidays - roll on August (smile), for our family one, in Spain..

  22. Beaches and broken glass do not make a happy pair. But I love to find little pieces of 'sea glass' when I can.
    Nicely done!

  23. yikes a broken beer bottle! that must have hurt! great photos of some beautiful beaches!

  24. Your right, beautiful beaches. It's sad people have to throw their garbage around though.

  25. On behalf of the ABC Wed. team, thanks for participating.

  26. Beautiful beaches and lovely photos, as I was brought up in a sea side town I love the sea and beaches..
    Hope Lorne is recovering from his chemo... you are both in my prayers.

    Chris x


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