Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Y is for YEE-HAW

Yee Haw is a slang expression used mostly by cowboys that means, "Hooray, let's go!" Here's a typical country song by Jake Owens - click here!

Years ago, when I was fairly newly widowed (I say "fairly" because it took me a few years to recover, if you ever do), I decided I needed something to do besides read, watch TV, or take the dog for a walk. So a girlfriend and I did some research and learned that there were line dancing lessons not too far from home. So off we went in search of a little fun. And we found it! There were more women (in all shapes and sizes) than men, but we didn't care. Neither of us had been country music fans but we soon caught onto the beat and followed the leader stepping out high with hands on hips, doing turns and swirls and Yee-Haw-ing to each other! We took home lessons and music suggestions and it wasn't long before I was taking the dog for walks while listening to Billy-Ray Cyrus on my Walkman - it helped to keep up my pace.

So take a gander at the Jake Owens song "Yee-Haw" and you'll see what I mean about the beat.


  1. I'm still in two minds about the yeehawing and the line dancing. I might give it a go some day though. Because it always looks like fun. Even if country music isn't my favourite kind of music (unless it's Dolly Parton)

  2. Good for you to go stepping out and yee-hawing. Line dancing is fun and actually good excercise.
    Like this post.
    How is Loren doing? I reread your X post and just wanted you to know both of you are in my thoughts.

  3. Great post for the day! I love line dancing and it is great exercise and fun at the same time! Hope Loren is doing okay! You're both in my thoughts, too! Hope your week goes well!


  4. Yee-Haw, what a fun choice for the letter Y!!

    ABC Wed: Y

  5. Wasn't there a television show by the name of Yee haw? Oh, no! That was Hee Haw! LOL. Well, Yee Haw made me think of Hee Haw!

  6. How much I'd like to try that once in my life. Thank you for this small escape into something else seen only on TV. Please have a nice Wednesday.

    daily athens

  7. This was a fun post - am still catching up and read your post from last week. Both you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers Leslie.

  8. yeeeee-hawwwww! party on, Leslie!

    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  9. Line dancing is such FUN!!! A great workout, too. I love it.

  10. Not a line dancer myself, but love to watch it and the music is great.

  11. I did some of that for a while - what fun! And good exercise, too!

  12. Country doesn't float my boat but I know I'd be drawn right into line dancing with its wonderful beat. Good for you for yeehawing on out there to help uplift your spirit.

  13. I know what you mean about catchy. I never really enjoyed country music until in hospital and onre of the stations was CMT. I really grew to love the music. Now I listen all the time!
    Take care -have a good week!
    Looks like your weather is improving somewhat! Ours is unbelievably hot!

  14. Oh, how fabulous! I would LOVE to try line-dancing, it looks to be such fun! Being the secret, closet Country Western fan that I am, it would be right up my street (sadly, as line-dancing isn't so big around these parts, I doubt I'll ever actually get the chance to try it out, though).

    How long did you do it for? Have you considered taking it up again? Thanks for placing a smile on my face, this is a great post, Leslie. I hope the weather is cooling down some over there - my friend, Chewy, in MA America, is suffering through a 100 degree heatwave at the moment, eeeeek! I'm never going to complain about UK climes again..

  15. I used to do line dancing, too, and I loved it. Thanks for the reminder.

  16. I always end up facing a different direction form everyone else1


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