Sunday, January 02, 2011

Sunny Start to 2011

Be sure to click on the photos to enlarge them. I'm quite proud of these ones and they do look so much better "embiggened. "

January 1, 2011, dawned sunny but with rooftops covered in frost. After warming up my innards, I headed out to my usual photographic haunts to capture the day. (Note: watch out for ABCW this week as I caught something else that made me say, Yikes!) First stop was the Deas Slough where you can launch small boats into one of the tributaries of the Fraser River. Across the water you can see ferries that are at rest while being refitted or repaired. Beyond that you can see the snow-capped Coast Mountain Range, which really stood out on this crisp sunny day. The water was so still, the reflections of trees, pilings, and ducks stood out like reverse orientation. Notice the second photo. It's just the reflection of the trees standing along the shoreline. The photo of the pair of ducks looks almost impressionistic to me because of the movement of the water as the female stirs it up with her webbed feet. I also saw several herons, one standing on a bit of ice in the water and another perched on a bare tree branch. See how close to civilization they are! Turning around away from the water but in a swampy area, stood a grove of birch trees. I could just imagine the crunchy sound First Nations people would make as they stalked an errant deer. There is also a shot of underneath the wharf, taken because of how brightly the green moss stood out in the sunshine.


  1. It was a beautiful day wasn't it. Happy New Year from down Bellingham way. - Margy

  2. Happy New Year Leslie!
    What gorgeous shots! A truly beautiful spot!

  3. It's going to be rushed, but I'm SO glad I'm coming out there soon to see my family and smell the salt sea air. Love the duck picture SO much!
    -- K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  4. We have had sunshine today - for the first time in what seems like an age! What a difference! Fantastic photos Leslie. xx

  5. Beautiful atmospheric photos. Your shots of herons came off much better than mine! (Vague blur in the bushes!)


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