Thursday, June 09, 2011

Weather means more when you garden.

We've had the wettest and coldest April and May in 50 years! It's been absolutely miserable with furnaces on full blast, rain pouring down, the wind blowing, and everyone's temper flaring! Unfortunately, magnolia blossoms were destroyed by frostbite and the cherry blossoms were literally washed off their tree branches, with the result that it looked like it was snowing pink snowflakes. The last few days, however, have been fairly sunny and fairly warm bringing us hope for a reasonable summer. Gardens are blooming late, but I did get some tulips in the back garden while only a few in the front garden appeared. The azalea and rhododendrons finally bloomed, but the flowers died off within a few days. The English poppies are doing well, though, and my irises (which didn't bloom last year) are blooming like crazy right now. I have a little "school" birdhouse nailed to the side of the house just outside my patio doors. Two years ago, some chickadees made a nest inside and raised a little family there. I was on the lookout last summer for them, but they didn't appear. But just the other day, I started hearing loud cheeping in the patio area and yesterday, lo and behold, there was a baby chickadee on the fence waiting as the mother flew back and forth feeding it. Any time I got near to the window, though, the whole family flew off into the tree by the fence. I'm glad the little school/birdhouse has become of more use than just being decorative. It makes it feel alive somehow. As I was saying good-bye to a student this evening, I glanced at my rose bushes in the front garden. Two of the three planted last year have survived and are doing very well, but the last one seems like it's gone. I guess I shall have to go and see about buying a replacement and hope it catches up with the other two. I already see lots of buds on the bushes and one particularly lovely red one just beginning to open.
We have been waiting impatiently for our weather to improve and finally, we're seeing action. Let us pray ....


  1. I'm afraid weather will NEVER improve!

  2. We've had a couple of warm (20-24) days so far this year and I think one reached 27. This is so NOT like the Medicine Hat area. At present it is 18 (nearly noon) and forecast says 23 this afternoon.
    As for wet — well, it is ridiculous. I haven't been out to look at my bedding plants (mostly squashes) because it's too muddy.
    I think Roger just might be right. Good weather might be a thing of the past. But I hope he's wrong.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel


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