Monday, August 08, 2011

D is for DESIRE

Welcome to another week of ABC Wednesday, designed and run by Denise Nesbitt, aided by her dedicated group of assistants, including moi. This week my poem is about Desire. Here we go:


Desire is the colour of heliotrope.
It looks like rosebuds waiting to open.
It sounds like a gentle gulp or gasp.
It smells like musk and the rose I clasp.
It tastes like strawberries and sparkling wine.
It feels like shivers down my spine.
Desire is faith in the divine.
If you're not familiar with the colour "heliotrope," it is a sort of pinky-purple or a vivid lavendar. I chose this colour because I heard that it has magical properties, and with regard to desire, you can take that as you may. Oh, and those are my own roses.


  1. Beautiful roses Leslie... in answer to your question a biscornu is a pin cushion but instead of the two pieces being sewn together to make it square, you sew the corner of one piece to the middle of the side of the other so it is all sewn in the same manner. Its a French word..
    Hugs Chris x

  2. Your roses are beautiful and a great poem for the letter D.

  3. Beautiful roses, and wonderful images conjured by the words.

  4. Lovely poem, I Desire to be able to write poetry almost as Dandy as yours. "Heliotrope" sounds like a lovely color, and your roses are Divine.

  5. Lovely roses, beautiful color and a great post for the D Day, Leslie! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


  6. Lovely poem..thinking of desire as pink now!!
    Jane x

  7. The roses are a gorgeous colour!

  8. I know I keep saying it but the poems are truly wonderful.
    I must remember the exercise.
    Gorgeous roses. I can almost smell them from here.

  9. I love the imagery in the poem - you can actually feel, taste and smell desire. I also love you choice of heliotrope- it is so much fun to say!!!

    Also, thank you for your wonderful comments on my blog. I always look forward to them. And, I have to say that it also took me to adulthood to have my own opinions! That said, I certainly do have my share of opinions (for better and for worse)...LOL!

  10. What a gorgeous poem...!

  11. Delicious! Heliotrope has a magical sound and your poem rings true.

  12. Your poem positively sparkles, you are so creative! And as for those roses, my, you truly must have green fingers, aren't they splendid?

  13. A gorgeous rose, Leslie and your poem is quite lovely.

  14. Desire is decent D-word.It's either decadent or decent.
    Very nice post, Leslie.

  15. You really captured the images of desire - loved it

  16. what a very interesting the picture....pretty! thanks for dropping by....:)

  17. Love your poems...and the rose...I belivev "Disire" is a good word for them.

  18. wow!
    loved the image and he verse!

  19. Hello.
    Lovely poem. Being the romantic that I am, I love flowers and your roses are beautiful. Purple is also one of my favorite colors.

    Thanks for the visit too. I appreciate it.

  20. Loved the poem and gorgeous Roses that you have grown!!

  21. I had not heard of the word but the photo and colors are beautiful

  22. I love roses and have a few in my garden, yours looks lovely!

  23. And definitely one of the intriguing colors in the Crayola box! You know you have the good box when you see heliotrope in there!

  24. I learnt a new color !! Thnx :) Nice post

    Pheno, ABCW Team

  25. The roses are beautiful at the moment, as are yours. The word heliotrope sounds so exotic, just right for the colour of desire.

  26. Warm, lovely thoughts and I always stop to smell the heliotrope in the nursery. Your roses are a beautiful illustration of your prose~

  27. Heliotrope is a beautiful plant and I think well able to represent Desire - it is highly oerfumed and a gorgeous purple in colour I have some growing in my garden - I have just been out for a deep long sniff of them! - beautiful rose picture and a tremendous poem - thanks for visiting my blog - lovely to hear from you - have a lovely week - Jane

  28. Your poem on desire have dazzled my senses!

  29. The roses are perfect for the poem and they do look magical.

    ABC Wednesday Team

  30. Desirable post!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  31. I am now on a heliotrope quest...

  32. I'd never heard of them, but they're beautiful!!

  33. hi there friend!!

    love the new look blog....

    here is my crumb trail......

    luv 'alice' fff

  34. lovely roses ! I like the color !


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