Sunday, September 25, 2011


I love acting kooky sometimes. In fact, I have been characterised as crazy, eccentric, funny, quirky, wacky, weird, and wild. However, I "do" know when it's the right time to be so, as well as the right time to be - well, in a serious mode. It's so much more fun, though, to be kooky!


Kookiness is a crazy sort of plaid.

It looks like a Scot's kilt gone bad.

It sounds like a bagpipe gone mad.

It smells like Burns' Day haggis.

It tastes like a ticklish all-over kiss.

It feels like end-of-the-day bliss.

Kookiness is absurd silliness.
ThanKs always to the krazy, kittenish Denise Nesbitt for her kreativity in starting up this weeKly ABC Wednesday kookiness! She and her ko-horts (moi inKcluded) will be over to checK up on your kontributions this weeK. They Kan be found here.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Jealousy has often been referred to as the "green-eyed monster." I wondered where this saying originated so turned to the internet to find out. According to "The Phrase Finder," it was possibly coined by Shakespeare in his 1604 play Othello. In it, Iago says:

O beware, my lord, of jealousy;

It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock

The meat it feeds on; that cuckold lives in bliss

Who, certain of his fate, loves not his wronger;

But, O, what damned minutes he tells he o'er

Who dotes, yet doubts, suspects, yet strongly loves!"

Here's my take on jealousy:


Jealousy is a green that's hard to define.

It looks like terribly tangled vines.

It sounds like wallowing and whimpering whines.

It smells like a strange scent on his neckline.

It tastes like muddy paranoid pies.

It feels like razor blades when he tells his lies.

Jealousy is sin in others' eyes.

Jubilant and joyful thanks to Denise Nesbitt for starting ABC Wednesday, considering the fact that she's juggling so many things right now - renovating a kitchen is no mean feat! Thanks Denise! If you'd like to participate or peruse the contributions of others, just click HERE.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Last week's poem about hatred was pretty powerful, so I decided to soften things up a bit for this week. What with the tenth anniversary of 9-11 and all the ceremonies and remembrances of that evil act, I would rather focus on something more gentle. Innocence can be defined as freedom from sin, moral wrong, or guilt through lack of knowledge of evil. Who among us can honestly say they are like that. In my opinion, the only innocents are children, those too young to be tainted by the sins of the world. Search your hearts...are you truly an innocent?


Innocence is baby blue and petal pink.
It looks like a coat of soft silver mink.
It sounds like the baa of a lamb in the crèche.
It smells like perfume, powdery fresh.
It tastes like cherry Jell-O eaten with glee.
It feels like the sting of a skinny skinned knee.
Innocence is childlike purity

Thanks to Denise Nesbitt for her ingenuity in starting up ABC Wednesday several years ago. It has grown to such immense proportions that she has a team of investigators who assist her. They (We) also take turns writing the introduction to the ABCW Website. If you would like to take part, just go here and sign up!

PS: My photo taken this summer at Diefenbaker Park.

Monday, September 05, 2011

H is for HATRED

Like a volcano, hatred leaves nothing but destruction in its path. In my humble opinion, this sometimes ferocious emotion is absolutely useless. There is such a thing as "righteous anger," but I think most times, hatred comes from fear of other people - their race, their religion, their culture, and their belief systems. The result can be violence, destruction, and even war. I must admit to having feelings of hatred towards others at some times in my life due to some wrong I feel they have done to me. However, I'm glad I'm mature enough to realize that I have to leave it alone, let go, and move forward. If I don't, I'm the one who will suffer, not the person who caused the feeling in me to start with. Here's my poem about hatred.


Hatred is firey orange and malevolent black.

It looks like dynamite for destruction.

It sounds like a volcano in the process of eruption.

It smells like rubber tires on a hot highway.

It tastes like peppers mixed with butts in an ashtray.

It feels like razor blades and hand grenades exploding on a roadway.

Hatred is a soul on fire and wanting to attack.

I am so happy to be a part of this ABC Wednesday team and honestly am grateful for Denise Nesbitt creating and hosting it. I had thought of doing a poem on something more positive, like "honesty," "happiness," or "humour," but I decided to shake things up a bit. Think about it...have you ever been on the receiving end of hatred? Have you ever felt hatred towards someone else? How does it feel to you?