Monday, September 12, 2011


Last week's poem about hatred was pretty powerful, so I decided to soften things up a bit for this week. What with the tenth anniversary of 9-11 and all the ceremonies and remembrances of that evil act, I would rather focus on something more gentle. Innocence can be defined as freedom from sin, moral wrong, or guilt through lack of knowledge of evil. Who among us can honestly say they are like that. In my opinion, the only innocents are children, those too young to be tainted by the sins of the world. Search your hearts...are you truly an innocent?


Innocence is baby blue and petal pink.
It looks like a coat of soft silver mink.
It sounds like the baa of a lamb in the crèche.
It smells like perfume, powdery fresh.
It tastes like cherry Jell-O eaten with glee.
It feels like the sting of a skinny skinned knee.
Innocence is childlike purity

Thanks to Denise Nesbitt for her ingenuity in starting up ABC Wednesday several years ago. It has grown to such immense proportions that she has a team of investigators who assist her. They (We) also take turns writing the introduction to the ABCW Website. If you would like to take part, just go here and sign up!

PS: My photo taken this summer at Diefenbaker Park.


  1. I must say that I love the rhyme of crèche and fresh. It's very Steven Sondheim.

  2. Delightful photo to go with your poem, too, Leslie.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  3. Oh, I lost my innocence many decades ago (but I sure had a lot of fun in the doing so..)!!

    Such a sweet and heart-warming poem, I do so enjoy these posts of yours.

  4. I'm glad your post in lieu of the 9/11 anniversary focuses on genteelness instead of hatred. Lovely proem.

  5. I love your poem and your inspiring use of alliteration! Thanks for the smile I leave with.

  6. Wonderful poem and illustration.

  7. A beautiful, gentle poem.
    It feels like music when I read it.
    Your photo is stunning.
    Its an absolutely perfect choice for your Innocence poem.

  8. Delightful post and a lovely picture!! Love the Innocence!!

  9. Reminds of Return to Innocence by Enigma...

    Pheno, ABCW Team

  10. A lovely poem! Ah yes, I remember cherry jello.

  11. This is lovely...we all need to regain our innocence and live pure and upright lives as is humanly possible.

    I love your words, and the picture is perfect.

  12. In an echo of Wanda's comment...I believe we all have innocence in some form...we should show it more's endearing.
    Jane x

  13. Perfect! This piece sings of innocence and purity.

  14. I agree, innocence can only describe of that of the children. Very interesting post Leslie.

  15. Sometimes I wish I could go back to a time of innocence. - Margy

  16. Lovely post, Leslie. Is it the innocence of children that charms us so, and draws us to them?

  17. Your photo is very nice. On my I-pad I couldn't read your beautiful poem, as it was hidden under a black stripe, but on my laptop I can. It's exactly what innocence must be.
    Innocence is a beautiful word. Thank you for sharing.

  18. Never thought of this word ! nice poeme too !

  19. It's so beautiful photo.
    I thought it was a painting.

  20. Lovely poem, so much said in so few words.

  21. No, I'm not innocent. But neither am I guilty. Somewhere in between, like most of us, hey? Lovely poem and photo, Leslie.

  22. I do like your photo there is a lot in it. Poem is all innocence and gentle so refreshing in the crazy world we inhabit.

  23. Nice rhyming scheme. Love the photo it is has a Pre-Raphaelite feel to it.

  24. And I get mad to these people who easily pluck the innocence of others. Very beautiful poem, a great one.

    I am In

  25. What a great way to balance out the anniversary of 9-11. A perfect poem that most definitely captures what innocence is.

  26. I especially like the sting of a skinny skinned kne.

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