Sunday, January 29, 2012


Welcome back to ABC Wednesday, created and hosted by the inComparable Mrs. Nesbitt and assisted by her courageous coven of crazy and cackling characters, including moi from Canada! First off, I would thank to thank so many of my readers who commented on my previous post (Background) and praised my photo of the pumpkin patch. I didn't mention it, but it did win a challenge on Red Bubble for the month of October, and I celebrated it as my first win for any of my photos!

This week, I'd like to discuss "composition." There are three main rules around composition: the rule of thirds, the golden section rule, and the diagonal rule. I checked out various websites and chose one that seemed to be concise and simple to understand. You can see it here. You can click on any photo to enlarge it.

The rule of thirds is based on the fact that the human eye is naturally drawn to a point about two-thirds up a page. Imagine your photo divided into nine equal sections. When lining up your shot, make sure your main subjects are lined up at the intersection points, rather than centered. See photo below from the website.

Here are a few of my own photos that I think show good composition by using the rule of thirds.

The next rule is called the Golden Section Rule. This means that certain points in a picture's composition automatically attract the viewer's attention. Imagine your photo being divided into nine unequal sections. Each line is drawn so that the width of the resulting small part of the image relates to that of the big part exactly as the width of the whole image relates to the width of the big part. Points where the lines intersect are the "golden" points of the picture. See photo below from the website.

And one of my own photos:
The final rule for composition is the diagonal rule. This means that one side of the picture is divided into two, and then each half is divided into three parts. The adjacent side is divided so that the lines connecting the resulting points form a diagonal frame. According to the Diagonal Rule, important elements of the picture should be placed along these diagonals. See photo below from the website:

And a couple of my own photos, far from perfect as I've been working on trying to keep my camera straight and not on a diagonal:

There you have it - my contribution to Round 10, Week 3. I hope I haven't bored you completely to death and that you'll leave a comment to let me know if you're still compos mentis after reading all this. Ciao until next week.


  1. I'm very amateurish at photography. But I read your advice anyway.

  2. You have captured some amazing frames up here, Leslie, I particulary love the pastel shades of mountain in (I think) the second photograph posted - it's worthy of hanging in a gallery. As you may know, photography has long been a passion of mine, but it never hurts to be reminded of the basics, as it's often too easy to complacently overlook what we strive to achieve.

    Do you have the actual dates now, of when you and Cathy will be here? I must email you my phone number and address!

  3. Great information about composition and wonderful shots. Carver, ABC Wednesday Team

  4. WOW!!!! THis was super informative and interesting. I LOVE your shots and you clearly explained why they work so well. I can't wait to try this out! Have a great week.

  5. Photography is not my greatest talent. Great advice.

  6. Fabulous condensation of compositional rules! Except, how would one apply this if the substrate is a paper coffee cup?

  7. very useful tips! i used to have grid lines when i got my first camera. friends and family have been asking me about it.:p

  8. Excellent explanation and examples. You deserve another red bubble.
    That information will get beautiful photos every time.

  9. Absolutely wonderful Leslie - am really enjoying this guide to photography - will certainly put the facts you share to good use.
    Denise ABC Team

  10. I love shooting pictures, but don't get into the technical aspects of it. I read a few books about photography, but that was years ago.

    The information was great that you shared with us, and the pictures are lovely.

  11. Now, I have better understanding of why I prefer some photos over others...although I'll never remember the rules.
    Jane x

  12. You are very clever at photography! I usually don't have the patience to take some time to tale a picture. I just point and shoot. Well anyway your explanation is very useful and I shall bear in mind to be more careful when I take photos next time. Have a great week!
    Wil,ABC Wednesday team.

  13. I'm very much the amateur, but a friend had told me the thirds rule. I'm being pushed gently to take a photography class!

  14. Bored? This is very interesting discussion and I am learning a lot from you Leslie, thanks for a free tutorial hehehe.

    Crystal Palace & Carousel

    Chubskulit, ABC Wednesday Team

  15. Great pictures, Leslie, and I'm most interested in the rules that apply and enable you to capture them.

    Thank you for all that wonderful information and for the pleasure of your lovely pictures.

  16. Good information. I kind of used the technique without knowing why.

  17. You’ve given some comprehensive information about composition here, Leslie, that is very helpful. I think some folks with good instincts frame their photos in such a way to fall in line with what you are saying without really understanding why it worked.

    Thanks for asking about my cards, by the way. If you scroll to the bottom of my page you’ll see where they’re at currently. :)

  18. Beautiful photos! You have very good composition. Love reading all the tips.

  19. Don't know much about photography but I appreciate a good pretty picture and your advice.

  20. Love that information. It's awesome!

    Letter C

  21. Love the pictures with the grasses an of course I am always love landscape with mountains and lakes.
    Great tips there, didn't know about the diagonal rule, I had to read it twice, good job you illustrated it (me being a bear of very little brain.

  22. Thanks for visiting. Your photos are libel, well composed with great textures

  23. Composition well captured! Gorgeous photos...

  24. You do have amazing photography and sounds like you really know a lot about it. Thanks for sharing some tips about composition.

    Happy ABC WEd. Thanks for the visit.

  25. Nice tips to learn about composition. When I first glanced at your title I read C is for Compton - my old home town. That gave me quite a start. - Margy

  26. Thank you - I learned a lot from this post!

  27. Lovely photos, helpful tips thanks Love Jill xx

  28. interesting to know pieces of that photography techniques. visiting from ABC Wednesday.

  29. what an awesome composition!

  30. I see quiet a few of letter Cs around...good one!

  31. It wasn't boring at all! It was very interesting!
    Thanks for sharing the wonderful pics and information;o)

    Have a fabulous weekend****

  32. Hi Leslie, I don't know why, but my emails I try to send to you keep bouncing back as undelivered - please will you give me the best address to use? (x)


Join the fun and even go off topic if you want! :D